Jul 06, 2008 00:40
Hey all. Im setting in Sapporo, the first of the two Arashi concerts having ended about 2 hours ago.
This is my personal con report; Im writing things that I found memorable, thought, felt, saw, heard. So please dont complain too much.XD
- First, the concert started about 10 or 15 minutes late, so everyone was tired from doing the call for 15 minutes.
- When the con finally did start, I personally thought that the boys didnt seem that high tension, and wondered if something happened, but when I asked the friends I was with they didnt agree, so Ill just leave it at that.
- Everyone looked great, but Jun looked a bit different. His hair seemed longer, and curly, but that mightve been the sweat matted quality of it. It was pulled to one side, sort of like the picture of Jun in my layout, only not THAT long.
- The set list was basically exactly the same as the Tokyo Dome lives, right down to the encores, all three of them. Despite our highest hopes neither How to Fly nor Truth appeared at all, although they talked about how much they wanted to perform Truth for us in the MC. Maybe tomorrow?
- Everyones been watching Maou right? XD You know the glarey grabby hands thing that Ohno does? He did it at the beginning of the show, to Sho I think, amidst the dancing.
- When the floats came round (Im sure you all know what Im talking about by now), they stopped one by one right in front of us. We happened to have really good second row seats (in the stands, not on the floor) so any time a cart of any sort went by, we were like 10 feet away from whichever member of the moment. Thus I saw Nino's garden costume up really close, and as expected, its really fug up close too.
- Sho danced and sang just fine, despite his almost dying in that terrible thumb accident about a month ago. XD His solo was yery enjoyable!
- Poor Aiba fell again doing his self introduction backflip. I suppose that he might be doing that on purpose for the sake of comedy (he fell at Tokyo too), but he never really looks pleased to have fallen. XD Which may just be the pain showing on his face, who am I to judge?
- Sirius was pretty fail. I do believe that it was either Neen or Jun that messed up the lyrics at one point.
- During the MC, much of the first half centered on Maou. Jun was like, "I watched the whole thing!" Good job Jun. He then proceeded to make fun of Ohnos shower scene. He was like, what a fail shower scene, mostly we only saw the top of your head and thats not sexy. And then Ohno was all, well, I wanted to show more, but for the sake of the seriousness of the drama I didnt. And then he talked about how hot the shower was, and how he did that majestic hair flip business to avoid getting the hot on his face.
- Which tangented in to Nino and Aiba telling a story where they were at a place with a multiple persom bath and Aiba and Nino were going to go together but Nino ended up going firrt and then the water he used was coming out normal at first but then got super hot so he moved. Then Aiba came in, and went to use the same water, but Nino didnt bother to tell him that it was like a million degrees, and so Aiba used it, and of course it was hot and apparently Aiba ran around yelling "HOTHOTHOT." At that poing Sho cut in and said that he had happened to be siting outside that bathroom at the time, and Aiba came flying out yelling "HOTHOTHOT." He laughed, and Aiba defended him self with the equivilent of "well it WAS hot...."
- When they asked the other members whether they watched Maou or not, Nino said he hadnt (even tho he wrote about it in his Jweb...), and that he expected that Ohno would tape it and give it to Nino. Ohno made fun of Nino and said that he wouldnt give it the video to him, but when Aiba said the same thing he agreed to give the tape to him. Sho apparently couldnt watch because he was busy writing something dealing with the Olympics. XD Ohno himself didnt watch, but actually watched it a couple days before it aired. He said that he laughed at the blank look on his face during the scene with the killer dude and the detectives, and that it was bad acting, and wondered what he had been thinking about at the time.
- MatsuJun made fun of Ohnos Maou evil face by immitating it like 4 times (which was hilarious. he looked demented), and when Sho found out that Jun watched, he asked him how their new song was, ane he said that it was very cool and then made fun of Ohnos evil face more. Sho explained how much they wanted to sing truth but faiiil...
- OhmiyaSK resulted in no kissing. Instead, Yuuji talked about the people coming to cons:
(N): Hey, did you know that we have a large variety of people coming to concerts now?
(O): Oh really?
(N): Yeah man, little brothers, little sisters, big brothers, big sisters, moms, dads, grandparents... really a variety.
(O): Foriegn fans too?
(N): Yeah, even foreign fans! I saw an uchiwa from LA the other day
Okay have to end now. Writing from my cell, ran out of space. Subject to change.続く
concert report,
your favourite local economist sho-kun!,
aiber thinks that is big danger,
ohno perpetually confused,
matsujun's stupid illustrates mine,
neener peener loves you,
big danger,
con report,