Okay, here is my quick con report on the concert today. Yesterdays is
here if you're interested.
There were two encores:
-Kibou Yell 「希望〜Yell〜」
-Taiyou no Namida 「太陽のナミダ」 (NEW SINGLE: RELEASED FEBRUARY 27th)
-Yume no Kazu Dake Ai ga Umareru 「夢の数だけ愛が生まれる」
Furthermore, we had two special guests tonight.
1. Sakurai Sho and Ninomiya Kazunari of Arashi
2. Hey Say JUMP!
Solos were the same as last night.
THIRD MAIN POINT: THIS CONCERT FROM TONIGHT WILL MOST LIKELY BE MADE INTO A CONCERT DVD. I dont know the release date, nor is it confirmed, but I saw the equipment they use for taping for DVD quality being used, and everyone was SO HIGH TENSION that I can only assume that this concert will become a DVD. I know the last time I saw this equipment was at an Arashi concert which later became a DVD.
Interesting things (in no particular order):
-At the beginning on the carts, Ryo and Tego held hands. XD
-During the very first introductions (there are like 3 or 4 total), when they announced Pi, he came up with his own Uchiwa covering his face and then pulled it away to reveal him drinking one of the jelly energy drinks that he likes so much. XD I LOLD. Then he blew one of his "YES I AM HOT" kisses to the audience.
-Aaaand, then when they got to Massu and the lights went to where he was supposed to be, THERE WAS NO ONE THERE. Apparently he was late and didnt get on to his cart soon enough. XD
-Somehow, during Ai no Matador (which is pretty much sex anyway), MASSU LOOKED AMAZINGLY HOT. Like, normally I'm like, "Aw, so cute, I want him for my brother," but at that time I was like, "FUCKING A HE IS HOT." Everyone else agreed. Shige was too. XD Lots of that bedroom eyes face.
-From where we were (really far today! Yesterday was much closer), we could see some things we simply couldnt see from yesterday's seats. Such as the boys changing clothes for new songs. XD At one point, I saw Massu pull off his yellow pants (which were like Velcro'd or something, but there were other pants underneath for the next song. IMAGINE HOW HOT THAT IS.), and he was supposed to be getting on stage to sing, but he got his feet stuck at the end of the pants and like almost tripped trying to put on his jacket and get his feet out of his pants at the same time. XD
-And then later, he really did trip. XD Massu was coming off a cart and on to one of the stage extentions and seems to have tripped and fallen on his own feet or a piece of his own clothing, and instead of getting back up and going along like nothing happened, he was amazingly cute and stayed there struggling like a turtle on its back. XD But he was smiling so I assume he was just doing it to entertain after he had fallen. XD It wasnt a good night for Massu.
-During Chirarizumu we were all doing the dance (Ryo did another "I'm cute" face when the part comes to put your hands in your crotch), and I looked back at the girls behind us just without thinking, and they were staring at us like we were NUTS. XD
-NO PRESS CONFERENCE TONIGHT YAY FOR GETTING AN HOUR OF OUR LIVES BACK. Cause srsyly, tonight we got out at like 8:30 from the concert, but yesterday we got out at like 10. XD
-STILL NO UCHI SIGHTINGS. When Arashi members showed up, we thought it was Uchi, but it WAS ALL A LIE. (THANK GOD.)
-As NANDEx2 DAME was ending...
-ARASHI'S SHO-KUN and NEEN SHOWED UP. Sho came on stage and was all like, "NAAAAANDE NAAAAANDE!" Omg I just burst in to tears. For those of you who dont know me, I love Arashi even more than I love News, and I was looking up at the screen and I was thinking, "That guy looks like Sho-kun.....OMG IT IS SHO-KUN" and then I died. A lot. I cried more than I had cried for the whole rest of the concert combined. XD
-Aaaaand, Neen and Sho were all decked up in News gear. XD They had the shirts, and both had pen lights, and Neen was wearing a News Towel like a superman cape of some sort. XD Or maybe a shawl. So versatile.
-During the MC, they talked first about how Tego and Shige are both doing Seijinshiki (成人式), which is the Coming of age ceremony that takes place when you're 20 in Japan (...they both just turned 20 recently, obvs. XD). So Koyama and everyone talked about going to Meiji Shrine (in Harajuku) for their Seijinshiki, and asked where Shige and Tego go.
-This discussion led to Koyama telling Shige that he is already an old man (Although I think he said 26 in reference to old man... XD), so he shouldnt bother.
-And then everyone picked on Tego. XD He laughed a lot and looked very embarrassed.
-At which point Sho-kun and Neen jumped in, because apparently Tego is a fan of Arashi and Sho-kun in particular, because he writes his own raps. XD And then Sho told the audience how when Tego was writing his parts in the introduction rap song, he came to Sho and asked him "What would be good to write?" XD and so Sho was a good sempai and helped him.
-Sho also commented on how News stole their introduction rap from Arashi. XD
-Neen was being a goof. He commented on how last night he heard that Ryo had kissed someone (Massu was like, "Me..."), and Ryo was just spacing out and he had a sleveless shirt on, so Neen went up behind him and started kissing his shoulder. XD Ryo freaked out and then started laughing, while Massu was already cracking up. XD
-Massu told the story about the time one of the Arashi members gave him tickets to see an Arashi con, and when Arashi found out he was there, they asked him to come on stage for the MC, but Arashi tends to come on stage on these spring loaded board things which make them jump like 20 feet in the air (for those who arent familiar with Arashi. XD), so Massu decided to come on stage "in the Arashi style," he said (”嵐っぽい”), and then when he came out everyone in the crowd at the Arashi concert was like, "········" and Massu made this really blank face and stared out into the crowd to illustrate. XD
-Then then talked about how Tego tends to talk down to people, as if he is of a higher level than them. XD Sho-kun added that he felt the same way, but that it was cute (Sho-kun called Tego "Tego-chan" and Neen called Pi "Tomo-chan" XD), and Koyama was all like, "Dude, you should stop that. I'M OLDER THAN YOU; YOU JUST TURNED 20!"
-Randomly, Koyama asked Massu what he did last night after the show and he said, "I went home and ate. It had been a long time since I'd eaten." XD SO RANDOM I LOLD.
-Koyama might have a butai this season? Or next? Im not sure. (they also talked about Ryo's drama and Koyama's drama for this season)
-Cried again for Ai Nante. Me, I mean. No crying from Tego. Although he was till AMAZING, I felt that last nights was more emotional. He also gave a short speech tonight before he sang, but I didnt catch it because I happened to be trying to write a email on my phone at the time. XD SUCH BAD TIMING.
-Out of order, but Shige was SUPER HIGH TENSION for his Solo. <3 I may have cried again. XD
-Out of order again; Pi was also SUPER HIGH TENSION for his solo, which was beautiful (I'm sure everyone already knows about the water and the shirt popping and all that.) But his dance was impeccable almost to a fault, and he was in fact very sexy.
-Hey Say Jump also showed up, and sang their latest single, but I missed most of it because I thought that it was going to be Question? with Matchy again so I went to the bathroom. XD Regardless, they were all wearking their News Shirts, and they were so cute. When Molly and I got back from the bathroom, we immediately stated singing (yes, embarrassment of embarrassments, we know the words to the HSJ song) the Japanese girls next to us stared at us and laughed. XD
-For a couple minutes after they sang, News went to talk to HSJ and Ryo was like, "Hey guys, dont worry, you'll get taller." and then he pointed to Chinen (the smallest) and was like, "I was exactly like you when I was your age! Look what you have to look forward to!"
-During Kiss Kaerimichi no Love Song, since only Tego and Massu were singing, the rest of the members sat on the edges of the moving stage; Ryo started to sing along to himself, and later joined in the mic with the song. Koyama started to conduct TegoMass from his knees, and Shige (who was directly across from him) did the same thing, and then Koyama got up and started dancing like, ballroom dancing, by himself. XD And then Shige got up and tried to join him, but as soon as Shige got up and tried to join, Koyama stopped dancing and say back down. XD
-During the encores, Pi beat Ryo to taking off his shirt and threw it to the crowd this time. He was so energetic, jumping all over the place. And shirtless. YES PLEASE I'D HIT THAT.
-And then Ryo laughed and started to take his shirt off to throw it to the crowd. But strangely enough, after he did, he pulled another shirt from nowhere and put it on again. XD
-During the second encore, Koyama and Ryo were the only two left on the stage (everyone else had left together on carts to go around the stadium. Pi helped Shige on to the cart like Shige was a lady XD), and Ryo and Koyama were all, "Where is our cart?" XD and the stage hand guys started to scramble to get a cart together for them.
-So as they were waiting, Koyama took the News bath towel and wrapped it around his hips so it looked like he just got out of the shower or something. XD Then Ryo decided that he didnt want to wait anymore, so he jumped off the stage and just ran through the aisles. XD Koyama decided to do the same thing, but since he had a bath towel around his legs he couldnt run, and his towel fell off after about 20 feet. XD
-Before they started singing during the second encore, Pi said, "I LOVE YOU GUYS!" (大好きだ!), which is different from last night when he just said, more like, "I like you guys," (好きだ!).
-During Kibou Yell Sho and Neen came back on stage with their pen lights and started to do the dance that goes with the song. XD I had been watching them in the binoculars (cause thats the kind of crazy fan I am) before they went up, and they were laughing and doing the dance moves even in their seats, with the pen lights and everything. XD
-Near the end, Molly, Cori, and I all together yelled "SHIGE" when it was relatively silent, and Shige was like, "eh?" and sort of looked around. The Ryo fans in front of us turned back and laughed, and they were like, "You did great!" ("最高だ!"). XD They were so nice to us.
We tried to stay as long as we could to see if anything would happen (I read somewhere that yesterday News came back out, although I dont know for sure if this is true or not) and we said that if the guard came over and told us to move that we would pretend we didnt speak Japanese, but then when he said, "Please go toward the exit," I went "Haaaai," without thinking, so I totally blew out cover. XD My bad. But there didnt seem to be anything to see.
Here are the pictures from mind and
signal's phones.
The secondary stage near us.
The lights on the ceiling before the concert.
Cori and I with our Tego Uchiwas. They Ryo fan girls were all like, "AMAZING FOREIGNERS WITH UCHIWAS."
All three of us. We let Molly in even though she didnt have a Tego uchiwa. We're generous people. :D
Us with the little girl who was the daughter of one of the Ryo fans we talked to. XD She was so cute and had her own uchiwas and stuff. And a Mickey mouse pen light.
The Stage again, from our far off seats. XD
The amazingly cute little girl who had come with her Mom (I assume), and she kept coming around and playing with me. XD
The mass exodus after the concert.
Molly and Cori.
I also forgot to post yesterday (I remembered in class today) that during the MC yesterday (which was like an hour long, srsly), they somehow got to talking about taking a bath. Koyama said that he was staying in a hotel and his shower head didnt have any pressure, so he called his manager and made him do something about it, but that all his manager did was bang on the wall a little and then told him to deal with it. XD And then somehow Shige said that he doesnt like taking a bath in the winter because you get in to the Ofuro (baths are different in Japan), and you turn on the shower head thing but only cold water comes out for a while (the hot water has an on off switch to save electricity) and he said he turned it on and RUNS THE HELL AWAY (and did the motion on stage too), and that the water in the Ofuro is so hot after the atmosphere outside is so cold that he has to just super quickly sit down in the tub otherwise its too hot. XD I was like, "YES I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN I RUN THE HELL AWAY TOO SHIGE I LOVE YOU."
Also, Arashi announced that they will have a new single released 2008/02/20 called 「Step and Go!」; The limited Ed. comes with a DVD. The song apparently has a graduation theme. Futhermore, I head the news that Ohno-kun will be having Butai this season. :D YAY FOR ARASHI.