Survey Thingy

Sep 01, 2004 00:56


1. Name? Mary
2. Single or Taken? Hmmm well technically single.. but I might as well be considered taken
3. Sex? Female
4. Birthday? June 24th
5. Siblings? Jesse, 21... Tommy, 18.. no.. 19
6. Hair Color? Darkish brown
7. Eye Color? Left is blue, right is sometimes brown, sometimes green... at the moment it's a dark green circle on the outside3 with true green till half way in.. then it's a light brownish. Whoa. Tight.
8. Height? 5'5 1/2'' ish


1. Who are your best friends? Heidi Juliet Jenelle, David Neil Anthony
2. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Not exactly


1. Where is your favorite place to shop? Anchor Blue, PacSun, Gadzooks
2. Any Tattoos or piercings? Lobes double pierced, tongue *soon to be double pierced hopefully*, middle of left ear, left cartilage


1. Do you do drugs? Never have, don't plan on it
2. What kind of shampoo do you use? At the moment...? some fruity thing in a bright green bottle *Hahaha rock on*
3. What are you most scared of? Things I'm not about to put out in the open for everyone to read.. why give away my weaknesses so easily?
4. What are you listening to right now? Trapt
5. Who is the last person that called you? Jenelle
6. Where do you want to get married? On a beach somewhere.. anywhere... beach... yes.
7. How many buddies are online right now? 24
8. What would you change about yourself? More comfortable with being myself around anyone.... n I wish I knew more about why ppl act n think the way they do cuz then it wouldn't piss me off so much lol


1. Color? Red, deep blue, purple, neon green
2. Food? Fruit... or um.. ooh Arby's #8
3. Boys name? Randon, Mitch/Mitchell, Tristan, Marshall
4. Girls name? Hailey
5. Subject in school? English n Math... n Student Store if that counts haha it's fun
6. Animals? Tigers
7. Sports? Running... Volleyball's fun but I kinda suck haha


1. Given anyone a bath? Nope
2. Smoked? Nope
3. Bungee Jumped? Hahaha yea right. No but I could if I wanted to. Someday tho.
4. Made yourself throw up? Nope... but tried once... one of the times I swallowed a tongue ring lol
5. Skinny Dipped? Nope
6. Ever been in love? I think so... Who ever knows for sure? Especially if it's in the past...
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? Nope
8. Pictured your crush naked? LOL no
9. Actually seen your crush naked? Ha no
10. Cried when someone died? Yes
11. Lied? Yes
12. Fallen for your best friend? Hmmm yeah kinda.. not sure if he was my best friend at the time or if it was just before n after then ha.
13. Been rejected? LOL what a dumb question.
14. Rejected someone? Uh huh...
15. Used someone? Not that I can think of
16. Done something you regret? Definitely


1. Clothes? Brand new Dickies pants, some weird green tank top
2. Music? Trapt
3. Make up? Black eyeliner
4. Pet Peeve? Annoying radio stations that play the same songs over n over again *cough KISS cough cough*
5. Smell? ...none...
6. Desktop Picture? Ricky
7. Favorite Artist? I mostly like bands but umm how bout Amy Lee...?
8. Favorite Group? Flaw, Evanescence, Trapt, Trust Company
9. Book you're reading? Ten Big Ones... but started it, then read a different one, and haven't picked it back up yet
10. Cd in player? Flaw
11. Dvd in player? Nothin but most recent was The Hot Chick
12. Color of toenails? French tipped


1. You touched? Jenelle... hug goodbye this morning
2. You IMed? Jenelle... or Toft
3. You yelled at? Gotta think about this one... haha prolly Mom when she was laughin at me as I was freakin out bout ruinin my brand new pants... or Toft when I told him to fuck off cuz I was stressin out
4. You Kissed? Ricky :)


1. Understanding? Yes
2. Open Minded? I think so
3. Arrogant? At times
4. Insecure? Meh.. not really sure. Don't think about myself as much anymore.
5. Interesting? Can be
6. Random? Occasionally
7. Hungry? No
8. Smart? In some cases yes
9. Moody? At times
10 Hard Working? Sometimes... when I know it's necessary
11. Healthy? Not as much as I should be
12. Attractive? Guess so... Or so I've heard
13. Messy? Depends ;)
14. Responsible? Usually.. cept when I really jus don't give a shit
15. Obsessed? Nope
16. Angry? Nope
17. Sad? Not anymore
18. Happy? Ish
19. Hyper? Not exactly
20. Trusting? Too often
21. Talkative? When it comes to ppl I know YES


1. Kill? No one at the moment
2. Slap? Ricky for being so far away.. yet then he'd be close enough to touch... so it'd all work out.
3. Get really wasted with? Hmmm well don't really wanna right now but prolly David n Denny n that group
4. Get high with? Don't even wanna so it doesn't matter...
5. Talk to Offline? Ricky


1. In the morning I am? Refreshed...?
2. All you need is? A way to stay happy.... lol
3. Love is: Unexplainable... something sacred. A miracle.
4. I dream about? Meh


1. Coke or Pepsi? Hate both
2. Flowers or Candy? Flowers
3. Tall or Short? Meh


1. What do you notice first? Hair, smile, humor, confidence
2. Worst question to ask? Haha my opinion counts for nothing in this matter
3. Makes you laugh the most? Ummmm I donno. Ricky. Yes. *Well put... pats back*
4. Makes you smile? Ricky makes me smile.....
5. Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her? Ricky
6. Who do you have a crush on? Ricky!


1. Sit on the internet all night waiting for that special person to I.M. you? Um no... I'll wait up for them to get online if I know they're gunna... but if they're on I won't jus sit around starin at their SN for hours waitin for them.. LOL I'll go on ahead n talk to them first.
2. Save conversations? If it contains something that can be used as some kind of proof or reminder or ummmm yeah that
3. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex? Rarely... jus to see what the hell goes on in those lil boys' minds
4. Wish you were younger? Nope
5. Cried because someone said something to you? Hell yeah


1. I know- That I miss Ricky
2. I want- Ricky back
3. I have- Issues
4. I wish- That mom'll let me go to NC
5. I hate- Depression
6. I fear- Myself
7. I hear- Jenelle talking
8. I search- For happiness
9. I regret- Ruining myself
10. I love- "Broken" by Seether n Amy Lee


1. Do you like filling these out? Depends
2. How many people will you send this to? No one... LJ Entry
3. Who will send it back? Um are you retarded?
4. Gold Or Silver? Silver
5. What was the last film you saw at the movies? The Village
6. Favorite Cartoon/anime? SoupSoups...?
7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? Nothing
8. Who would you love being locked in a room with? Ricky lol
9. Could you live without your computer? It's possible... but very very hard
10. Would you ever color your hair? Have before... but don't plan on it any time soon... like for a long time
11. Could you ever get off the computer? Yes.
12. Habla Espanol? FUCK YOU
13. How many people are on your buddy list? 185
14. Drink Alcohol? Did for a while but stopped
15.Sunrises or Sunsets? If I had to choose.... I guess sunrises cuz they've got more colors n they're brighter usually. But there have been amazing sunsets too....
16. What hurts the most? Being so close to something yet being so far away at the same instant
17. What now? Sleep...? NAWWWWW
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