Jun 05, 2005 22:47
Theres no books you can read that will help you experience the trivial wonders that lurk behind those closed doors...relenquish the key and let your mind be set free. Dont you realize that nobody is perfect, yet everyone whether high 7 foot tall giants to 3 foot even midgets are individualistic. Creativity is not in rations, its out there for everyone. Most know how to excentuate it better than the rest. If you can take care of yourself and learn that the love in your heart is indeed good and not used for destruction, then you can truly enjoy eternal happiness. Everyone has their own niche to carve, even the lazy ones (ashley money and brice williams). We just need some kind of will to be creativity...to be different...to establish purpose...to finally find that endless smile that will stream across the face of bewilderment and pain. Maybe that will establish anarchy. When the whole world gets that hapiness and peace that will never run out, what will the grenade-heads like Toby Keith and Tedd Nugent do? Who really cares. I just hope that one day, all will change for the better for you and me, world!!! Untill then, to make a difference, go here and take a look
Peace be With you all,