Jan 16, 2006 16:39
I haven't been on here in a while because I feel like my emotions aren't to the reach of a channel. I'm doing ok, starting college again tommorow. Every semester is a chance to start over again. I've met this girl named Datina and we have been sort of connected, so to speak, but we haven't put a name to it or a hold onto anything. All I know is that I'm very much infatuated with her. Its a feeling I'm not too good at casting out for just anyone. But I like her. I really do. She makes me feel all kinds of happiness. She raises smiles that flex muscles on my face I never knew I had. My primary worries are, does she feel this same way about me? Am I going head first into a pool without water? And another thing, I've got classes starting pretty soon and surely they will put blisters on my ass. Will this effect my grades? Questions Questions Questions. Brice, buddy, dont screw this one up.