Racism-The Rotten Core Inside the Fruit of Paradise(may shock alot of readers)

Sep 08, 2005 22:09

We each as a person have the same amount of bones in our body. Our blood runs fluidly through our veins evenly at the point of conception until the day of their death. Why is it that the same blood that each of us has as a person boils in certain peoples bodies whenever they encounter a person of different race, ethnicity, or nationality? How can so much discrimination in the world come from something as simple as the color of skin? If your black your all of a sudden this big, filthy, lazy nigger that has no respect for the law and would rather gloss his/her bling bling down the street and rap about money, hoes, and weed than serve a significant purpose in life’s struggles. If Latino, you’re a border jumping wet back lawn-mowing spic with a harsh attempt at speaking the English tongue as you pour me another shot of tequila in one of your filthy seedy dives. The Chinese…the all smiling and friendly acting, MSG dumping, professional laundry, worse accent than Latino, chop-stick using egg roll devouring slant eyes selling us out as you bite the hand that feeds you. All this written above, the insults that so many good, honest, people have used many times before. I am only repeating the things that I’ve heard or seen from different points in my life. I find it sickening to my stomach to believe that by the time I am in my coffin resting in my dirt-bed, the end of racism won’t even become the faintest resemblance of a possibility. What keeps this hatred for one another based on race or gender (many women are denied numerous opportunities males because of pregnancy) on top of modern societies major concerns? Is it because we, as white Americans, believe that this country was made pre-dominantly for us? I doubt that because when we preach about this so-called “Free Country” we can’t neglect the citizens of all different kinds of skin color and nationalities. Is it because we are better than them? Certainly not in sports because African-American’s have mastered just about every sport they’ve attempted to excel in. What is it then? When we can find the source of all this racial tension that surrounds us like a blanket from the cold harsh winds, will we cast it out for good? Or maybe this racial animosity we endure everyday is good for us? I don’t know personally. If I had all the answers to the end of racial discrimination, there would be no way I would sit on it for someone else to discover for themselves.
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