[Fanart Dump] SeiRudy is Love!

May 08, 2005 17:54

Another fanart dump!

Fandom: Prince of Tennis
For 50pot #39 Dinner time
Characters/Pairing: Mizuki Hajime, Fuji Yuuta
Warnings: ...Yumminess? :D~~
Disclaimer: Prince of Tennis belongs to Konomi Takeshi.

YUMMI!!! :D~~

Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters/Pairing: Mizuki Hajime, Yanagisawa Shinya, Kisarazu Atsushi
Warnings: ...Crack..?
Disclaimer: Prince of Tennis belongs to Konomi Takeshi.

...Cracker, crackity, crack.

My sad attempt at SeiRu bromide.

I got inspired by magnolia_ceres's lovely fanart and immediately started sketching my own version. Sadly, something went horribly wrong while I was coloring the picture and I totally messed up the faces. >_< Sadly, Photoshop sucks as far as lineart is concerned and I don't really know how to fix the mistakes (I'm particularly irked at the way Atsushi's eyes turned out). And it was a HUGE mistake to make the characters so small... Silly me.
I'll probably end up remaking the "bromide" from the scratch... ^^'

The background was "borrowed" from magnolia_ceres's fan-bromide, which in turn was 'borrowed' from original bromides :D. I remade a part of it, though, or else there would be a huge Oshitari-head shaped hole in the middle of the picture (at least I think it was Oshitari's). XD

Any comments..? :)
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