
Oct 07, 2004 19:17

Funny story. I was called by the navy head coach who basically told me that unless i seriously eff up, i hvae admission. Well during this call my phone DIES. and im like OOOO CRAP. so i race home to call back but he isnt there. sad... :'(

Uhm im a loser cuz i downloaded some of the songs to the star wars movie, and while i was killing rebels on my game i played the imperial theme song. I felt like such a nerd, i wanted to start speaking in shiirywook, wookie language, yes im a nerd.

We won water polo yesterday woot. 12-5 i think. I scored 3 goals and had like seriously 8 steals out of set. it was cool but im still not confident for the rest of the games. They will be hard and i dont know if my team is up for it.

I was also notified that at the academy lasek eye procudure is being done on cadets. So i can FLY for the navy. Woot my original intent of going into the military is alive again. Top gun style....
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