"It is a sighting of one of the rarest creatures on this planet... Engineering Nerd Tram Nguyen!"
um, yes...
spent last week doing my 2000-word business report... which meant 3 nights of 2 hours sleep. stephen was right though, it felt SO much better after i handed it in. by that point didn't really care about what mark i got coz i was exhausted to the point that anything anyone said to me went in one ear and out the other.
went to the show on sat with uni friends. was ok, but i keep forgetting *why* i hate spinny-twirly-upsidedown rides... until i go on them again. *sigh* i'll never go on "the rock" again. bought willy-wonka showbag and betsy gave me an m&m one :). was so painful to buy anything there coz it was so costly... spent $60 that day.
2 Fun Facts i recently found out:
1. was not my mum's pregnancy. apparently she had miscarriage a few days after she heard my grandpa get sick. it was about 2 months old which means that fingers and toes would have started to appear. she buried it under one of the fruit trees in the garden (back when we had a massive plot... a few acres i think). oh, and think small, people, thumbsized foetus. never told my grandparents coz they (parents) were worried about grandpa's health. odd, to think i might have had an older brother or sister. i'd like to have an older brother. sometimes. :D.
2. back in the ancient days, my dad's side had the family name of tran. apparently there were quite a few high-ranking officials in the family line during the time of the Tran Dynasty. they lived near the capital which back then was Hue. when the nguyen came into power they fled to the north and changed their name to nguyen to escape prosecution.
so, there you are. felt like something i could post about.