Aug 30, 2004 17:03
Yeah, you can ignore the picture thats below this entry, I'm gonna hold off on it for a little while. A lot of people are voting to keep it off but it'll be back up on a recent entry if I wanna put it up.
Anyways, I went up to Lake Mohonk yesterday with me aunt, uncle, cousin and brother. we weren't allowed in the lake area, because thats only for people who are staying overnight. So we went into the preserve area and took a hiking trail. That was good, but somewhere the trail went from "easy" to "strenuous" so with a struggle, we got to the top and saw a great view. We rested there for a while, and my other cousin called, saying hello and what she's gonna do that day back on the Island. After a rest, we climbed down the mountain, but tried to look for a shortcut so that we wouldnt have to go back down the strenuous trail. My brother and uncle thought they had found one, so we went that way, the trees were marked so we figured it was a trail but we were going down the other side of the mountain. We reached a brook, and crossed a bridge to get over it. On the other side was another bridge, so as I rounded the corner, there was a medium-sized dark snake, sitting on one of the pieces of wood. It snapped once, and then fell back into the stream below. So after regaining regular heartbeats, we crossed the bridge, realized there was no path there, and went back over it, and followed the larger brook up-stream. We sat on a rock and looked at the map again, and my aunt said we couldnt stay there and pointed to an even larger snake sitting by a tree a few feet away. So as we all darted, my uncle grabbed a stick and starting poking it and picked it up, and I was horrified, cause I hate snakes. But yeah, we saw some people, and they said the parking lot was just ahead and when we got there, we saw that it wasnt the parking lot that we had parked in, so we had to ask for directions from the ranger stationed there. She said we could take the road, which was shorter but more dangerous, or head through a path in the woods, that was longer yet shadier and stuff. We took the road, which was probably longer, and about halfway there, heard dogs barking and a wooden staircase led up to a red house on the side of the road and 2 people came out looking like they hadnt seen people in years, and while they started conversation, we walked faster.
Sooner or later we got to the car though, and finally found drinks and the a.c. I dont think I wanna experience that again. What did I learn from this trip? Never use port-a-potties...ick...