"Intelligence" episodes on Livejournal!

Dec 21, 2006 05:43

Well, I found the episodes I missed on cdntvonthedl, so I am now able to understand what went on in the two episodes I did catch! Apart from the fucking annoying Ted character, it's really excellent. Okay, Michael and Jimmy's evil ex-wife Francine are also horrible characters (one is unredeemably stupid and the other is a manipulative bitch) but they are interesting to watch. I'm also getting Mary, who I thought at first was cold and ambitious but I'm now seeing emotion alongside her ambition.

Random thought: Chris Haddock must think Ian Tracey is really great in bed or something because his ex-wives are always trying to get him back! Not that Mick and Jimmy are not interesting characters, but they are both too dedicated to their work to be really great to live with!

So, go check out the first ten episodes during the Christmas hiatus and write fanfiction! I just can't write that universe, it's too complex for my little brain to handle! Although I am beginning to see some Bob/Jimmy chemistry. Bob's POV would be easier to write since the character is so quiet. Maybe I'm just finding excuses because I like him... Yeah, I like the hit man. Nothing new for me!

rant, intelligence, movie thoughts, personal update

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