Jul 03, 2005 12:58
How does one say "Shut the fuck up!" to someone without offending them? Is there a polite way to go about these kinds of things?
Ok...heres the scoop. Basically there are a few people that are driving me insane! Not because of anything directly done or said to me; but mainly because of the way they're acting. Im not going to name names because...well...just because. But suffice it to say that these people have everything from excessive whinning, to desperate attention seeking, to backstabbing all down to an artform. Seriously...everyone has issues in life. Some of us more than others yeah; and everyone is entitled to complain a bit from time to time; but seriously...learn when to realize that enough is enough! So you're a little depressed...yeah, thats understandable. But for fucks sake snap the fuck outa it! It was enough the first dozen times or so, but drag yourself outa this little slump already. Learn that though people may be there for you, they dont want to spend all their time dealing with your problems. People give you advice and help for a reason, so that you can pull yourself outa your shit. So do us all a favor and GET ON WITH IT ALREADY! This "oh woe is me" bullshit is tired and old. If you want attention that badly, there are other ways of going about it without being a drain on the people around you.
God: Jesus Christ....
JC: Yeah?
God: Get the Escalade...we're gett'n the hell outa here!
Ok...Rant over with with a little random Family Guy thing thrown in. Yay for Dan! On with things.
Life is the same as always. Job hunt is still going rather slow. Had an interview at Target. Hopefully I get the call that they tell me they're gonna give me soon so I can go back in for the second one. I applied to work in the back room with Bryan doin all the unloading the trucks and stock shit. Hours are rather messed up and its tough work but it pays well and I get some great benefits when I decide to get an apartment. Cant wait for that. I called up the Radisson and they told me that the engineering department was full but they'd transfer my app. to another section. They asked me if there was any specific area I'd like so I told them the fitness center. I figure I could help people out in there. Hell...got enough experience teaching those fools at Cooper how to use the damn free weights as well as all the olympic lifting...I think I can handle a few machines in a hotel. Could be a little fun.
Ok...I dont know what the deal is, but Kayla has been a bit more hostile towards me lately. What did I do? I have no clue. Hey...that rhymed! Ok...for example; I gave Sam a call to see if he wanted to hang out one day and he told me that he and Kayla were at Cold Stones gett'n ice cream. So Im all like, "Oh, ok. Cool. Gimme a call when you get back to your place and we'll hang out then." He said "ok" and that was that. Bout two hours later (after I had called both Sam and Kayla with no answer) I get a call back from Kayla. When I asked what happened, I get my head ripped off about how she and Sam never get time alone togather. Granted...she did apologize later on that week when a group of us were hang'n out. But later on that very same day she starts to ream me about the whole "midgey" thing. Ok...seriously...if it really does bother Sam, I'd like to hear it from HIM and I'd be more than happy to stop. Otherwise...people need to mind their own business. Not just Kayla, but everyone seems to be gett'n into everyone elses shit without being asked or wanted. Whats the deal folks? Dont we have enough problems on our own without taking on someone elses?
Me and Bryan have been writing some music the past few days. I actually came out with a sweet beat on the drums. Instantly Bryan's like "I wanna learn that!" So we're work'n togather on this thing. Weird thing is is that Bryan has his drum set set up backwards (since hes left handed) and plays it that way. Whats weird about it is that I'm becoming increasingly comfortable playing the drums southpaw style. Sweetness huh?
My wrist really hurts. A combo of druming and typing is killing me. Just thought I'd let yall know.
We started designing our apt. before we even have one. Soon as we move in we're gonna have our own rooms with all our shit and stuff. The living room is gonna be turned into the music and exercise room where we do all our music (ironically) and sparring and such. We're planning on painting konji (sp?) on the walls of the living room too. Add a little flava to the place. Im gonna be doing some symbols on the walls in my room too. Werewolf symbols no less. (I know...total loser but hey!) Cant wait for it really. Our place is gonna kick ass. Plus we wont be able to really get on one anothers nerves since we work different scheduals so we'd be seeing eachother about as much as we would regularly. Maybe a little more but no biggie.
Im gonna be getting a pair of blades soon so I can go roller blading this summer. I need new ones as well as people to come blading with me. EVERYONE GET SOME BLADES AND LETS GO FOR A FEW LAPS ROUND THE LAKES! HA! The pair I'm look'n at is a little more than I want to spend...so I'm think'n bout it. We'll just see.
Ok...Im gonna go back to "work" and continue listening to the Twins game. Havent heard one in a good long while so its high time I do that. Lata ya'll!
The Amnity Ville toaster. Make breakfast spooky. Spooky toaster. Spooky eating toast. Yum yum yum. Human hand....
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand WACHOOM! There ya go