Oct 15, 2007 01:13
So recently the boy and I bought ferrets that we have grown to love. Bobo and Debbull. a little albino and a little sorrel. Weve had the two of them for a few weeks before we decided that we wanted to start rescuing ferrets since our manager has been doing that for a long time.
Dave and I drove up to the stick of Wilcot Ct. Took us two hours to find the house, but this is where we met a little dark boy named Bart. very skinny, was getting fed cat cood (There is such thing as ferret food so....) He was dehydrated, tired, and had no life to him.
Dave and I took him home, and he was doing well for a little over two weeks. Unfortunately, because him and I rescues this little guy all by ourselves we got very very attached.
Today around 9:00 PM our little boy passed away. He lost control of all body functions, couldn't walk, wouldn't eat nor drink anything. Dave and I left the room for 5 minutes to try and find a feeding tube for him. and We found him dangling from his hammock.
I will admit that Dave and I cried for about 2 hours. And I cant help to think that it was my fault for not bringing him with us when we went outside. The little man was only about one and some odd months. He was a good boy, and loved to snuggle. Now this will push me and Dave to rescue two more within the next week or so. But for now..
RIP Bartard. We love you very much. Im sorry you suffered such a rough life. I wish you got to know how much me and Dave really loved you, and I'm sorry we were too late.