Jul 21, 2004 01:46
Name: Candice
Does your name mean anything?: white fire its origin is greek
Were you named after anyone?: No, I wasnt but my mom always wanted to call her first girl Candice
Nickname: Hmmm... It could be Candy but I dont like that nickname perfer Candice
Date of birth: March 5th 1984
Religion: Catholic
Height: lol 5'6
Shoe size: 10
Hair color: my natural brunette roots but people think Im blond but Im not
Eye color: deep - light brown
Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?: Right handed
How old are you mentally?: I act like my age but sometimes I overeact and act younger
Describe yourself in 5 words: sweet, kind, pretty, easy going, shy but when u get to know me I open up
What are your worst qualities: Chelsey is really bossy<<<