I cannot stop reading
It also makes me so so thankful I started to fall out of KH fandom a while back. All fandoms are full of wankers, but Jesus god. This one seems especially bad to me. Furuba fandom was full of homophobic teenage girls with the IQ of a pea, and KH fandom is full of fuckwits who live for wankfests like this.
All the same, I busted out several times. Partly, no doubt, because I skimmed three pages worth and was starting to lose it by the end. But I'm sorry, in between all of these angry/wanky RARR RARR Hate you LOL rants, suddenly there's a thread that's just :3
And it had, like, 20 responses! XD
Save me from the intarwebs.
P.S. This is the most appropriate post I have ever made for my default icon.