What I did do the last couple days that was productive was finally get
bastioned's and my Ansem/Riku community (
x2_of_hearts) off the ground and post a couple of fics to lure in some members (we now have 8! 8! *squees*).
The trouble with a pairing this unpopular is actually FINDing the other fans so that we can all get together to share the love. ^^
It was kind of amusing, actually, because posting
Never Say Never pulled a couple of them out of the woodwork, and one of them decided to start her own Ansem/Riku comm! XD So now there are two communities for this utterly unloved pairing (take THAT Mickey/Riku and DiZ/Xeha).
Lots and lots of writing going on lately (praise the lord). I kicked off
x2_of_hearts with
Crimini Fassus, some tasty pr0n which is part of this complete breakfast, and then I made Lin post the first chapter of her awesome post-KH2 piece
Consequentially. A timeline in which they've actually accepted one other (sort of)! OMGLOLBBQ
I also started what I thought was gonna be another porn piece but ended up being oddly...angst-ish when I finished the draft. Now I just need to type it up and get it to make sense. Got another idea for pornfic after that, too. There will be PLENTY to post in our shiny new comm, I tell you. PLENTY.
For those of you who don't give a rat's ass about Kingdom Hearts and are wondering why the hell I'm not writing what you want to read, I'm hoping this latest burst of inspiration will allow me to post the next chapter of A Woman True and Fair (finally). Right now I'm aiming to have it up for the equinox. We'll see if I can pull it off.
In other news, as much as I hate my pointless poetry class and *piss-moan* wish it was over already, my prof gets points for starting us off with Ginsberg. Yee-haw. I saw the flamingest fags of my generation having a giant orgy and decided to join in. How fondly I still remember "Sweet Boy, Gimme Your Ass." ... I should totally use that for a fic.
And even though the 5-6 hours of homework a week for Japanese class is killing me, it's totally worth it. My teacher is the most adorable tiny Japanese woman in the world. Yesterday she was acting like an anime character to demonstrate our dialogues. Now if I could just make the hiragana come out of my pencil without looking like shit...
I think I might have to shell out the $300 to audit Basic Japanese II next semester, even though I'll have graduated by then.
Still on the first volume of RG Veda right now. ...I guess Taishakuten is supposed to be Indra? What an odd thing they've done. Luckily the Hindu gods are pretty laid back about having their canon fucked with. I hope Kujaku is Krsna. He sure acts like it so far...