Yesterday, a hawk tried to fly in through my bedroom window.
I was holding Max upside-down and spoiling him and talking to him as I often do, when suddenly there was a big bang at the window, and he flipped out. We both ran to see what it was--I knew a bird had hit the window, but I had no idea WHAT bird it was.
So I pull the curtain aside and look--both Oliver and Max were peering out by then, too--and sitting on a branch not ten feet away is a large hawk.
We were all like "..."
The hawk sat there for five minutes at least. After a bit, it turned around and fluffed up angrily, then started grooming itself. And it was hilarious--every time I would lean over to peek and see if it was still there, it would glare at me like "I'm not talking to YOU! Go away!"
Then my phone utterly died, leaving me without a way to take a picture of this momentous and bizarre event, and freaking out because it's my only phone. In the meantime, the hawk got bored and flew away.
But as I was running around to get dressed and try to work out what to do about my phone, AGAIN I see this big shadow come flying at the window. I ran back to look and the hawk was back, perched on a different branch of the same tree, even closer. By this point, I'm just like "WTF?!"
I stared at him when he glared at me, and he was finally like, "Okay, FUCK you then," and he took off over the porch roof and went flying off.
It was the weirdest thing.
I've never seen a bird of prey so close up outside the zoo. I'm sure I could figure out what kind it was by looking at some bird guides, I saw it in so much detail.
Saw Lady in the Water again yesterday (they're getting ready to pull it--it's not playing in very many theatres anymore), and I still like it. So there.
Speaking of ladies in water, I got through the first training exercise set me by the Undersea Mafia on Friday night. I wish they'd tell you what-all you have to do to complete the damn thing, because I was swimming around and around for, like, an HOUR before I decided to explode this one thing, and then suddenly I was finished. Grr.
Got the diver in the cage on the first try that time. Apparently, you have to just come in from a certain angle, and it triggers the cutscene of you sucking the diver out and eating him. After I finished that level, the mafia sent me to the beach to eat swimmers.
It was hilarious, because there's this technique where you grab swimmers without surfacing. Only I couldn't figure it out. So I was drowning the swimmers without eating them. XD Then I accidentally surfaced and all of the turkeys ran up on the beach. Boo. After that, I had fun destroying all of the piers.
The controls are still unwieldy as all hell, but I have figured out a couple of tricks that make me the FASTEST clumsy shark in the ocean. Also, being clumsy works well for all of the destruction the Undersea Mafia expects of me. So now I just run into things and then break them.
The overall key to play, though, really was music. I put the radio on my favourite station and just had fun eating things to a retarded soundtrack. At one point, "Break My Stride" came on, and I just about fell over laughing. Oh, man. Good times. No Barry Manilow, though.
After two or three hours of play, I FINally got to a save point. WTF, game? I also got to spend my license plate points and up Dagon's abilities (yes, I named my shark Dagon). No idea what good it's done me yet, at this point.
In the next training exercise (I think I am still in training. This game sucks so hard), I've been captured by an aquarium and I have to escape. D: I'm scared, because I'll have to fight Shamu to get out, and killer whales eat white sharks in nature. They're badasses. Yarr.
But before I worry about that, I have to get out of this tank area. And to do that I'm supposed to find a key card. This. Makes no sense. Because the key swipes are OUT of the water, and I am IN the water, and I am a big giant shark with no hands. How the fuck am I supposed to swipe a keycard anyway?
At one point while I was trying to figure this out, the game popped up an angry message telling me to grab one of the scientists that are walking around the tank area. Oooo-kay. I grab a scientist, and then what? He turns into a giant mastercard? I had a lot of fun making jokes about this Friday night with Skittles. I really need to cut 'n paste some of that IM.
And last, but not least, I leave you all with this absolutely accurate and true-to-life meme.
You Are a Prophet Soul
You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone.
Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people.
Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run.
No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way.
You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle.
Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings.
A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning.
You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer.
Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul
What Kind of Soul Are You?