Fic: Lucky Number

Sep 23, 2009 07:17

Fic: Lucky Number
Fandom: Weiß Side B
Prompt: Unexpected guest
Pairing: Aya/Chloe, Aya/Yohji
Rating: R
Word count: 521
Beta: whymzycal

Yohji excused himself from Aya and made his way to the kitchen doorway where Chloe stood, surveying the scene in the living room. Ken, known for his six-pack abs, had imbibed in more than a six-pack all by himself, and was busy telling Free stories  of Weiß‘s past missions. Free looked on impassively as Ken continued his tale, face-down on the living room couch, of taking down Masafumi Takatori in all his tentacled glory. Free was either pretending to hear Ken or really could understand the language of sofa cushions, as he somehow managed to nod in all the right places, much to Yohji’s amusement.

Michel and Yuki, who had been given their first taste of alcohol, lay on the floor side by side, giggling up at Aya, who was pretending not to notice as Michel’s rabbit tail wound around and around his leg. Yohji had never seen Aya around kids before and was waiting to see whether or not he would pretend not to notice and give them a show of falling on his face, or if he’d somehow turn the tables on the two kids and they’d be the ones tied up in knots. It would be an interesting turn of events either way, Yohji decided, though he was betting on the latter.

Beside him Chloe sighed softly, and Yohji turned to face him.

“So, I suppose it’s time we had the talk,” Yohji said.

“I suppose it is,” Chloe said, his eyes still trained on Aya.

“Look, Chloe,” Yohji began, before being cut off abruptly.

“I wish I could hate you,” Chloe said as he turned to face Yohji. “It would make this so much easier.” He turned back to the living room where, true to Yohji’s bet, both Yuki and Michel were suddenly hog-tied to each other on the floor with Aya looming over them, a small smirk on his face. “As it is, I’ve never seen Aya happier. And against my better judgment, I can’t help but like you.”

It was Yohji’s turn to sigh. “If I had known he was with someone,” he replied, his voice soft, “I wouldn’t have shown up unexpectedly like this.” 

Chloe shook his head. “Aya was never mine.” There was no mistaking the bitter tone. “Aya was always yours. Whether you remembered him or not, Aya was always yours.”

Yohji nodded and chuckled as Ken flailed his arms around, making a particular point in his story. “I wish I could hate you,” he said, echoing Chloe’s previous words. “It would make this so much easier.” He looked at Chloe over his sunglasses, eyeing him up and down. “As it is, I can’t help liking you either.” He pushed his glasses up higher on his nose and gave Chloe a lopsided grin. “It’s too bad there has to be any choice at all. There are a number of things Aya and I could do to you, all of them enjoyable. Three is a lucky number don’t you think?”

“What?” Chloe blinked in confusion.

Yohji winked and walked into the living room to show Aya how tying up someone was really done.

fic: aya/yohji, fic: aya/chloe

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