WAY overdue for an update

Oct 06, 2008 10:02

It said on LJ that I updated 22 weeks ago, so I thought it would be a good time to.

So, how ya durrin??  I's doin ok.  Still working at CC and trying to get out of there.  Especially, last I checked, since our stock is $.57, which is sad considering our stock about 2 years ago was about $20 a share.  Ever since our ex-ceo for all of 3 years screwd everything up, I blame him since that's when everything happened, things haven't been the same.  Everyone remembers the layoff CC had over a year and a half ago, right?  Well, the company screwd itself by letting go some of the best, hardworking people so that it could save a buck and hire those that would be willing to work at min wage.  All because they were making too much...  WTF?!?  Why not do something on the corporate level and reorganize there??  So, I have to work twice as hard because dumass 18 year old Joe doesn't want to and we have to do twice as much paperwork to let them go if they're not doing their job.  Basically, I have no hope in CC anymore.  If they survive past this holiday season, it'll be a miracle.  That's why I'm trying to move on to something else.  A really great manager that left CC because he had it as well, went to Bed Bath and Beyond.  When he left CC, I think that was the only manager, most everyone agrees, that people were sad to see him leave.  He was a good person, great boss to work for, and instilled harsh loyalty in those that worked for him.  Well, he told me to apply for BBB, which was about 3 weeks ago, I've had 4 interviews so far with the store manager, district manager, district HR manager, and district customer service manager.  From what I've heard, they want me to come but they have to do this process to make sure they have the right person.  We shall see...

In other news, I've really had it with this presidential election.  It's been a roller coaster of he did this, they did that, and who is honestly going to be the best choice.  For me, I really don't like either one.  Obama had me for a while til I watched an interview without a prepared script and it frightened me becuase he kept stuttering and saying "uh, uh, uh, uh."  McCain, well, I don't know.  He could be 4 more years of Bush but he's disagreed with many of Bush's policies, yet, I see that he would still carry those policies with him to his presidency.  So, I was thinking about doing a "stop the vote" campaign, ya know like "rock the vote" but not.  I was thinking that we should have a 3rd choice on the ballet like: try again or no confidence or why don't we have 3rd party?  Markets all screwed to shit and 401k is nothing no or almost next to it.  I've had this feeling that something majorly bad would happen and this could be it. Don't know if this bad time with the markets is it or something worse could happen, I don't know.

For something lighter, things at home are going fine.  Just had a stray cat make a little home for 4 of her babies next to the house.  They're at least 2 weeks old and still feeding off the mother.  They're so cute and one looks like a calico.  The only thing is, I think the mom is ferile and the kittlens might grow up to be that way as well.  We're debating, Ta'avi and myself, whether to just leave them alone and give the mom some food or take them, somehow capturing the mom, to the humane society and give them a chance grow up in a home or something.  So if any of you guys have suggestions, let me know.

Well, I have to run so talk to ya guys later!! 
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