Sep 25, 2006 13:43

so it's been over a month since my last update.  how pathetic?
so not TOO much has been going on...
my family for the most part is doing well...
my friends are okay...being messy...nothing new.
school is kicking my ass...i hate it.
and work...well that's where i am now...and im bored.

we almost had to move out of our house a few weeks ago...
there was all kind of mold growing in the airconditioner and getting in the vent and it was making everyone sick.
my mom and lauren moved to my grandmaws for a week...but me, mr roger, and lacey basically refused to leave.'s all fixed now...atleast i think it one's talking about moving anymore.  YAY.
because i really like my house...and the location...and all that shit.

i also got sick a few weeks ago...started with sinuses so i thought it was nothing...then somehow, it carried down to my back.
my kidneys are all effed in the A.  the doctors dont know what's wrong.  i am allowed only water
and gatoraid...which is killing me...because we all know how addicted i am to dr pepper and other pops.
Blah.  i have another appointment tomorrow...hopefully it's no big deal.  im not too worried...i just want my damn back to stop hurting.

i went to the graveyard last week.  had a good chat with garrett.  i told him EVERYTHING that's been going on in my life...
the good...the bad...and the BEST!  =)  i needed that.  ofcourse, i have tons of people i can talk to if i ever need...but i dunno...
something about talking to garrett is just a lot more...comforting.  it's easier too.  i know im not being judged.  still cant believe he's gone.  =/

im going over what i've written and it's really like...sad and depressing and boring...
so let me be happy.  
this past weekend was great!  for mainly one reason.  =)
good times.
the weather today has been absolutely WONDERFUL!
i effing love the cool breezey wind !  i even brought a hoodie to school today.
did i wear  but's about that time!!!  =)
...i get paid at the end of the week.  i think.  $$$$$$YAY MONEY$$$$$$
and everyone should know that september 9th is favoritest day ever!!!  
and i'll just leave it at that.  =D
my history test was moved from wednesday to monday.  WOOP!
and i have homework tonite.  HOLLERRR!
i hope everyone enjoys this update...b/c who knows when i'll do another one.
im seriously gonna try to be more dedicated to this.
have a wonderful day...and leave me comments.
thanks.  <3

and i love you.
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