Sep 23, 2005 15:02
Soooo, yeah sooorry about the no updates. I've just been like extremely overly busy lately and quite frankly it bites a big one. But I have a tad bit of free time, so I thought I'd share some fun things that have been happening lately. :)
This week is Homecoming week. I love it, I really do haha. It's so much fun. So going along w. this topic how about my class (THE JUNIORS) kick major ass in pretty much everything this year!! :-D We got 1st in the hallway w. our sweet ass Manakins (slaughtered that one lol). Paul is the best one by far. We also won the Spirit K for the second time! The seniors got 3rd hahaha. They are pretty bad, but that doesn't matter. We rock, and that's really all I need to say about that one. =)
I'm walking in the parade w. the junior float. I think it's gonna be waaay fun since I haven't walked in the parade pretty much since like I was in AYSO soccer back in the day. 8-) After that I'm goin to the GAME of course. I'm gonna have a camera on hand too, so watch out. ;)
The dance is tomorrow. I'm way super excited, you have no idea. I finally have a date too. Joey is a waaaay cool kid if I do say so myself. I think we're gonna have a sweet time. I'm takin lots of awesome pics then too. So I'm gonna try to find everybody & get at least 1 pic. w. all my friends. =)
Well, time to get perrty for HOMECOMING festivities tonight. I love you alllll. Laater gaaters.<3.