AHBL transcript and mp3 (4/6) - Mark Sheppard

Jun 11, 2013 23:07

Audio file download (mp3, 22 MB, 44 min).

... and I managed to enter two minutes late to this one, due to a pressing need to eat lunch (during which time Misha happened to wander by with his brother and sister-in-law and nephew/niece just as I took an undignified, over-sized bite of burger, because that is always the way). I did come in as soon ( Read more... )

mark sheppard, ahbl4 transcripts, ahbl4

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whit_merule June 12 2013, 22:18:35 UTC
OH THANK YOU wonderful I will fill that in. :)
I keep feeling bad about just using 'fan' to refer to every person, even when (as in Sebastian's panel) a lot of them said their name. But then there are others whose names I didn't quite catch, or other panels where no names are given, and then there's the issue of spelling, then of privacy for people like kid-whose-name-I-know-but-will-not-repeat here in this panel... I don't know, maybe I should use another word like 'questioner'. Does 'fan' come across as slightly patronising? But then I know I'm going to refer to myself by name when I ask my question in Misha's panel because I'm not going ot pretend not to be me, and also because otherwise I'd have to say 'fan 1' and 'fan 2' when I was offering the other person the microphone... maybe I just have to resign myself to being inconsistent.
Or of course I could just use LJ names for people when I know who they were... but that in itself is almost a greater breach of privacy, as the LJ name is unique whereas a single name is not! Oh well. ETHICS OF CON TRANSCRIPTIONS.
And yes, I figured it was very abrupt: I came back with my burger, walked in, decided we were still in our break, went out to eat it, ate a little, then heard the cheering I came rushing in from the courtyard where I was eating, all alone - and where Misha had just strolled by me with Sash and his wife and kid just as I'd taken an unflatteringly large bite of my burger!


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whit_merule June 13 2013, 02:28:59 UTC
... weird, I didn't refresh the page. Oh, the mysteries of LJ.


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