Every Fertile Inch (6b/6)

May 11, 2013 15:48

First half of this chapter.

In the late afternoon, Dean found Castiel sitting in the kitchen.

It was too early in the year to keep the fires on all day, even for humans. But the only windows in the kitchen faced north, and there had been no sun directly on them all day. The stone walls had no stored warmth to give back, and looked grey and chill ( Read more... )


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everstar3 May 11 2013, 06:49:01 UTC
If I grovel, will you consider writing an extra bit where Dean bottoms for the first time?

(I'm such a demanding little brat. XD)


whit_merule May 11 2013, 06:56:39 UTC
No, because it will be their wedding night - their second one, the one at the angels' home. :) Because it will take about that long for Dean to relax into the idea and get really interested in it, and because he's a sap at heart he will decide that can be his big romantic FINALLY WE ARE PROPERLY MARRIED IN EVERY WAY LET'S HAVE SOME DEFLOWERING gesture. And he will have sneakily been practising before that. And Castiel will be flummoxed and very turned on and suddenly understand why Dean was shifting so uncomfortably in his saddle a lot of the way here.

Which basically means that's going to have to be a longer story because it will have to involve a lot more of culture and custom and Dean boggling at lots of new sights, and probably some politics, and also some of Gabriel and Sam's side of things, so it can't just be a quick porn scene. :)


everstar3 May 11 2013, 07:02:22 UTC
[blink blink]

So are you telling me we don't get an extra little bit because there has to be a whole long other story?


Uh, if you're writing it.


whit_merule May 11 2013, 07:44:14 UTC
... eventually?


everstar3 May 11 2013, 23:24:29 UTC
I apologize; that was very pushy and rude of me. I adore this 'verse (and Dean bottoming, heh) so I got really excited at the thought that there might be more to read at some point. However, I should have said how much I liked this first. I'm sorry ( ... )


whit_merule May 11 2013, 23:28:00 UTC
No, no, not at all! I just don't really have the mental energy to keep getting distracted by ficwriting at the moment because I can't really do that (well, longfic, which this would be) and my thesis at the same time. :)

And thank you! With these boys I honestly barely have to think about it anymore - they mostly write themselves by this point. Although I suppose after 240k words they ought to....


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