(no subject)

Mar 15, 2005 22:08

well today was one of the kind of days where u just wish life had a pause button .. UGh. .me n my sister woke up and decided we were gunna go in 3rd horu ..so we did . that was prolly the best thign that happned all day i had a after school detention and then me n heather were laughin and then all of a sudden we hear WHO ARE YOU ?! and we turn a round and its ms.afterschool detention lady lol and then we told her our names and i guess were suspended now? thats so gay !! everyone in that room got a referil besides like 3 ppl ugh i am so scared to tell my mom ..im sure she will understand well neways in 6th hour me n heather had a lab to do.. haha they would never trust us to do that kind of crap..well we just copied kyles paper..lol anyways pam picked us up from afterschool and we went over to heathers and we just chilled and ate ..and ate somemore then i did emilys hair and we watched the notebook and ..then me n hether played volleyball with a mini-basketball haha!! neways i got home and my mom wasnt in the best mood so i just layed in my bed and listened to the radio .. and then took a LONG shower.. and now im here!!:[

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