Feb 24, 2002 20:05
Hey guys*!
What's going on? I just got done checking my email...and there was this one in there...and it was about *what if tomorrow never comes*...and it really made me think...what if tomorrow doesn't come...either for all of us..or for me...or for one of my friends that I never got to tell I was sorry or I loved them*!...and I just got done watching Pearl Harbor...I think that's some of tha reason that this email like made me think of all this*!...But really nething could happen to any of us...and tha thing that sucks is we have no control over when we're going to die...well unless we commit suicide...but that's not my point in this whole thing*!...tha main thing I'm really getting at is nething could happen tomorrow and we may never get a chance to tell tha ppl we love how we really feel about them...it's a lot like tha September 11th thing...how many ppl do you think left their house w/o telling someone they loved them? or how many husbands and wives had gotten in a fight and one of them just left w/o saying good-bye or nething*!...I mean they had no clue what was going to happen...but it would be terrible if something happened to someone I loved...and they never knew that I truley loved them*!...But I'm going to put that email in here so yall can read it*!
**I'm Sorry...
For all the mean things I might have said.
I'm Sorry...
For all the things I did or didn't do.
I'm Sorry...
If I ever ignored you.
I'm Sorry...
If I ever made you feel bad or put you down.
I'm Sorry...
If I ever thought I was bigger or better than you.
I LuvYou...
Don't ever forget that! Through bad times and good,
I'll always be here for you.
I am Sorry...
For everything wrong I've ever done.
I'm writing this because what if tomorrow never comes?
What if you never get to say good-bye or give a BIG hug to the people you care about?
What if you never get to say I'm sorry or I love you?
If tomorrow never comes...
I just wanna say thanks to all my friends...yall mean tha world to me...and I am always here for you guys when you need someone to talk to*!...And if I've done nething to you that hurt you...I am really sorry*!...I am so thankful to have you all in my life...and I love everyone of you*!...well that's enough of that*! I'm going to get off of here*! I love you guys*! Later*