Jul 22, 2005 12:41
Hey this your gurl whitney i am here at the library with my gurl holly. Yea i guess we are havin fun except for the fact that it is really quiet in here. But owell yea me and david are over... i think at least i hope i kinda made him break up with me cause i told him that i was talkin to another dude named omarie and he got a lil angry and thats when i came out about that i have guy friends that i talk to all the time. And he apparently didnt know that and he got mad and i told him that if he gets mad over somethin like that then it is over and he was like well i guess it is over then. And i was sittin there goin thank the lord!! Whooo Hoo And i also told him about what i did while we was broke up for a week and he was mad about that but o well he will fuckin get over it! But yea im single but mayber not for long but ima go so holla atcha gur
Love ya