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Jun 24, 2005 02:02

okkkkk..........today was great!

i woke up at 2 and ate a boiled hot dog. then i watched mtv and cleaned and talked to ammmmber for tha longest. then at about 5 i started gettin ready to go to work. i got to work at 5 30 and worked reallly hard. i absolutely HATE tournaments. there are soooo many people. and half of them get mad at me b/c the concessions dont have what they want. and i have to keep my cool and TRY  not to yell at them and say "WELL damn mister, I dont own this piece of shit" anywaysss at tha last game, michael w came by to see me:) bubba was with him and he showed me his permit that he got. soo happy for him. well they left to go swimmin. at 10 i believe tha games ended and my father let me drive him around for a lil while. i came back here and went swimmin over at my neighbors until like 12 15 or so. i got on here and got this comment from amber nicole thats sed she was MAD at me very badly. so im wanderin wtf i did. so i call her and she dosent answer. then she gets on and is like "dumbshit" so then i no shes not mad. well me+amber+bobby all starts actin VeRy vErY stupid. yes my lil brother was with us. and we start actin retarded and stuff. then my phone goes dead. so i talk to her+michael w. on tha messenger. well amber just got off a lil while ago so now im talkin to mykell (in krystal's word) and Krystal. me and krystal got all this shit sraightened out. i love you girl! well thats all for now. LaTiZzEr!!!
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