I've Become What I Can't Be (fanfic)

Feb 02, 2008 02:51

This town is colder now, I think it's sick of us.  It's time to make our move, I'm shaking off the rust.  I've got my heart set on anywhere but here I'm staring down myself, counting up the years.  Steady hands, just take the wheel and every glance is killing me.  Time to make one last appeal for the life I lead

Her boots made solid strikes against the ground as she walked away from the club, clutching her leather jacket tightly around her body as she shot a seemingly nervous look over her shoulder.  King didn't know where she was, she had just told him that she was going out and that was that.  It wasn't like he couldn't find her if he needed to, they had their ways but she wasn't thinking about that right now.  She was thinking about the three men that were close on her trail, snickering among themselves as they looked at the hot little package that seemed so harmless.  That was until one grabbed her, whirled her about and threw a punch at her ribs in the hopes of knocking the air out of her.

Stop and stare, I think I'm moving but I go nowhere.  Yeah I know that everyone gets scared but I've become what I can't be, oh.  Stop and stare.  You start to wonder why you're 'here' not there and you'd give anything to get what's fair but fair ain't what you really need. Oh, can you see what I see.

The grunt came out of her as she stumbled back a couple feet, her body curving a bit to absorb most of the blow that was delivered to her ribs and she kept pushing on.  She grabbed the wrist of the vampire and twisted, bringing his arm up and behind him.  It exposed his chest which allowed the stake to slide into place, the arm crumbling and becoming dust that seeped through between her fingers.  The other two vampires looked ready to shit their pants as they stumbled back, their eyes widening and then narrowing as the jacket fell open to reveal the assortment of weapons that she had strapped on her.  They knew then that she was a hunter.

They're trying to come back, all my senses push.  Un-tie the weight bags, I never thought I could.  Steady feet, don't fail me now.  Gonna run till you can't walk but something pulls my focus out and I'm standing down...

The jacket swirled about her as she twirled, the heel of her boot catching the blond vampire across the face, sending him flying into the wall as she bounced back a bit.  The dark haired vampire approached her with a growl but was knocked back by a hard punch to the fast and then by a second one.  Her jaw was clenched, anger and a flurry of emotions gnawed at the pit of her stomach as the blows were traded back and forth.  She grabbed the lid off of a garbage can, spinning to slam the edge into the throat of the blond and then crashing down on his head.  As he fell, the blade appeared from her arm bracer and he disappeared in a high pitched growl.

Stop and stare, I think I'm moving but I go nowhere.  Yeah I know that everyone gets scared but I've become what I can't be, oh.  Stop and stare, you start to wonder why you're here not there and you'd give anything to get what's fair. But fair ain't what you really need, oh, you don't need.

Facing off with the dark haired vampire, a slow smirk rolled onto her mouth as she pulled out her new toys, a baton for each hand and harmless looking.  This one had more of a martial arts knowledge, so he came at her harder and faster.  She used the batons, blocking his kicks and his punches as she moved back.  As he swung a hard fist, she bent backwards then, watching as the fist cut through the air just above her face and she smirked.  Then she pressed the tiny buttons on the side of the baton handles, a snapping sizzle heard as the UV power leaped to life.  She twirled, slicing them through the air at him and was pleased when they 'cut' through him as nicely as her UV arc.

Stop and stare, I think I'm moving but I go nowhere.  Yeah I know that everyone gets scared but I've become what I can't be.

Stepping back, she killed the power to the batons as she looked over the ashes that she had left and the smirk was gone.  Now her features were blank, smooth as marble and showing nothing of what was beneath.  Putting away the batons, she tugged her jacket closed and did up the buttons as she started to walk away from the dark street.  She could go back home but there was still quite a few hours left, still time to hunt.

I've become what I can't be.
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