s i x t y - f o u r [Voice;Japanese / Pictures]

Jan 11, 2011 13:53

[Hikari yawns. A certain someone couldn't get any rest last night and it definitely is kicking in.]

I drew lots of pictures... Drawing my first mom and dad, and my nii-chan... it made me feel better. But I used my talky-box instead if crayons so I can't put them on the wall.

So I put them here.

[(Clicking each picture will bring you to the full-sized image.)]

This is Taichi. He's my big brother... I even drew his goggles! He wears them a lot. He's really nice. And when our first Mom and Dad went to work, he would stay home and play with me, or we would go to the park.

And then I drew...

Dad and Mom! Mom was really happy. She smiled a lot, and she liked to cook... but she didn't cook very good all the time. She watched the news a lot... I used to watch it sometimes with her, but the news isn't as funny at home. Here, the news is really funny! Like the video with the dogs playing.

...I think they were playing. Were they fighting?

[Yawning... and completely bypassing papa dearest there.]

I drew Koromon, too!

Takato-niichan tells me there are a lot of digimon, but I don't know a lot of them yet. Koromon is who I met at home, and then Guilmon is who I met here!

I'm going to draw him next! [Yawwwwwnnn.]

Maybe... maybe later.

missing her parents, the life she left behind, taichi, missing her big brother, famiree~, children are cute, kiddo needs a nap, coloring is fun, i miss nii-chan

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