Hello! I'm new to Livejournal and to this community! Yeah... I've just finished the series "Whistle!" and I loved it so much!!! My favourite chracter is FUWA DAICHI!!! And my favourite pairings are-
Shonen-ai/yaoi/slash: FuwaXSatou and MizunoXKazamatsuri
Het: TakaiXKoujima(Don't ask me why, just is... leave me be)
And so... Here's a picture I drew of Shige. Please have a look!
I drew it because I had a group presentation on a soccer circut and drew so I calmed down... this was my First Attempt at drawing Shige so please be kind... and it was also drawn on line paper, lol, I tried my best to cover it up using Photoshop though.It's a bit large... I don't know why... but yeah, lol.