............survey says

Dec 06, 2006 21:26

Well long story short a LOT of health problems and one hysterectomy later and I am FINALLY starting to feel normal. (What ever that means) I have been up and going with the boys for a week know, and returned to work yesterday. I told the doctor I could give him one month and I did. The surgery was a month ago and the hospital stay was by far the worst part! I am still in pain but I also have a six inch "bikini line" scare and a 40 pound 2 year old who just wants to play. In short, shit happens.

Let's see.....

I still love my job! The one trouble spot is only getting paid once a month and never knowing WHEN I am going to get paid. Well there is also the emotional end of my job but I try not to dwell on that here. It has been quite the week to go back though, yesterday I found out one of our mom's committed suicide, and today I found out one of my little guys (from work) may have lymphoma...... What do you do with that?

Joe is chugging along. He may or may not be getting a promotion in January. I hate the waiting. It just takes TOOOOOO DAMN LONG! Other then that he is great.

Logan is doing amazing in first grade! I need to get him back into a sport though. Being trapped in the house for three weeks wiel I recovered has about made him batty!!! The doctors have said he has full blown asthma now. It sucks big time but we have been able to get it under control.

Rowan. My Rowan. He is doing his thing as always. He has leg braces now to help with his knees, tip-toe walking, and his gate. Hopefully it will only be a year, but if it's more he is still little so he won't remember how much he hates them (I hope). He has also been diagnosed with asthma. It just sucks! The family history for asthma is there on both sides but Joe and I don't have it so we thought the boys would be lucky, guess we were wrong. We have started looking into assisted communication devices for Rowan to help bridge the gap since he still does not have any consitent mode of communication. He does have "pop-out" words here and there but it's nothing consistant so this is the next step. More positive though is he is coming into his own since of humor. He loves "full contact yoga". Ya I said it "FULL CONTACT YOGA"! He stands back, waits patiently,and watches you get into position and then surveying the "weak spot" like the death star comes running full tilt at you, hitting the "weak spot" so that you both come crashing to the floor, where he pro seeds to big belly laugh in tell he is ready for the next attack. DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME YOU WILL PULL SOME THING!

Oh, and in my recovery time I have become addicted to CSI. (we all have vices)
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