I like you all very much.

Nov 06, 2013 02:23

It's ridic-o-clock here and I need to be in bed (3 hours ago), but I thought I'd pop by my very quiet LJ and note down how happy i am in this fandom.

Yes, WONDERFUL People's Choice noms (Chris! Darren! Darren and Chris! Blam! Glee! Jane! Lea! Pezberry!), but beyond the PCAs, it's been lovely seeing people get excited about stuff together, be supportive of one another, engage in discussions, plan activities to fill up the many (and long!) hiatuses (?) we have to endure, create art in many forms and share it with others, and just generally enjoy each other's company.

It feels good. Especially when there's a lot of really challenging going ons in my life right now, I'm really happy this community exists.

fandom, glee, happy

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