Mar 22, 2007 10:56
Hmmmm what to say today in my neverending mission to make no sense?
Worst word in the world.......... drama. So much gets lost because of it, people gkicked and shunned because of it. Each story will have two sides and if you're not there how will you know what's true? Imo people just need to step back and bit and relax. Don't bite every hand just because it didn't feed you. They weren't taking up any space, so why not just leave them? If we reject everyone but the best players we become only elitist...
If that's not the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is...
You want it black and white? I think Nojon caused his own drama. He didn't know when to stop joking around. They were pissed and he didn't back down or even apologize. He thought he was joking and it was fine. Then he spat back in our faces.
This is why you never assume. You'll find you overanalyze and you're ALWAYS wrong.
oh and btw, don't you ever threaten me again... Assuming? there's the ugly word again.