Jun 08, 2007 14:38
on exercise
11:43am Today | Edit Note | Delete
When I was in Japan, we walked everywhere... and then the places we went to, we walked a lot at those places. i quickly realized how out of shape i was. I was getting so exhausted by the end of the day. I had already known this for a while but it was made clear to me for those two weeks.
Heres a brief history of athleticism in my past: I used to do track and field. I ran 6 out of 7 days of the week for 5 years of my life... and then some. When I was at samford, I did pole vault there for a year and trained/lifted weights with the sprinters. After i stopped vaulting, i got into climbing and would go out 3 days a week and on the weekends. I also did inter-murals. (flag football, soccer, and water polo)
all that being said... i haven't really done anything consistently athletic in the past 3 years. (besides the fitness running / fitness walking jan term that i did with joel davis) so upon reaching my 24th birthday(im not getting any younger), i have decided to turn over a new leaf. i am getting into shape and staying that way. Here is the philosophy:
I figure that man is meant to exercise. we are meant to use our bodies physically... climb mountains... scale rocks.. chase/be chased by animals.. swim in rivers, etc. however, technological comforts has brought us many benefits, however the day to day physical exertion is gone. now, people commonly add this in by going to run on a treadmill at the gym. (there seems to be something unnatural about that)
Here is something we can do:
incorporate exercise into every day life. for me this means walking or biking around town and to work. I was talking to caleb about this the other day and he cant ride his bike to his work so we talked about how he can incorporate exercise into his life: take the stairs to his 5th floor office every time. After one day of forgoing the elevator, caleb had achieved doing 5 floors of stairs 30 times in one day... imagine if he does this every day.
as for climbing, i have also been going consistently rock climbing at the gym after work. climbing has always been a love of mine. i started climbing in high school through the cirrus program (mike)... but really got into it in college. climbing is a great way to have fun and get a work out.. and its challenging and fulfilling. and working at the gym every day will make me a better climber on the rocks on the weekends when i can get out.
i have also taken on bike riding as a fun activity to do with friends (courtney!). booth and i biked from homewood over the mountain last night. the hill was hard to get up.. but was sooo worth it going down the other side with the wind in our face.
in conclusion... exercise doesn't have to be this huge deal. if you incorporate it into a daily routine, then you will find it easy and fulfilling. please post how you exercise.