May 08, 2011 11:37
Singaporeans, you guys are a bloody disgrace.
It makes me want to kick you people in the head, especially when there are comments about how undeserving some ministers are. You think you people can do better? Perhaps they might have done wrong in the past, but do you think they deserved all these public bashing you are giving them? Do you think the opposition is perfect? Everyone makes mistakes, I dare say all of you complainy people has made mistakes before. What are you to judge them by their mistakes? They have done their part for the country. What the hell have all of you been doing?
Complain .
Complain about National Service, complain about foreigners, complain about CPF, complain about public housing, complain about GST. National Service should be mandatory. It's not about the training, it's about fighting for the country we all grew up in, the country that have given us stability. Show some appreciation and stop grumbling. BE A MAN. MAN-UP DUDES.
Complain on foreigners. People, please. This is like the most over-rated topic EVER. Without these foreigners, who is going to build your houses and infrastructure? You counting on Singaporeans to stand under the hot sun to build those stuff? Go count the number of grass in China why don't you. It's never going to happen. Foreign talents. We talk about why some of us lose out, 'because of National Service'. Gosh please, if you are up to the job, no one can steal it from you. If you ain't so demanding, you WILL get the job.
CPF. I am only 18 years old, I am not working. I don't really know much about the CPF scheme, but I do know you can only take out the money at your sixties. People don't understand why they do that. So if you take out your money early, spend like money grows on trees, and in a few years time, you are out of money, and it struck you that money doesn't actually grow on trees, WHERE THE WORLD ARE YOU GOING TO FIND THE MONEY TO SUPPORT YOU UNTIL YOU KICK THE BUCKET? It's logical, no?
Public housing. I have got to admit. It's stupid how if the gross income of a family is SGD8,000, the couple cannot apply a HBD flat. Okay, our government seriously needs to look at that. This is just plain funny.
GST, okay, so GST shouldn't be charged on basic necessities because it's life and people needs to eat. But GST should be implemented on those 'wants', instead of 'needs' items. Gosh, if you are rich enough to buy your 'wants', of course you have no rudding problem paying for the GST.
You want to complain some more? There are so many people who are living in fear everyday, because of a unstable government, and insecurity. We should be grateful Singapore is doing its part to ensure the safety of us. Count your blessings people. There are people who wishes for just a country they can call home, instead of walking around in constant fear of being shot. And you people don't want to be Singaporean any more just because of such matters? Know your priorities.
And one more thing before I end this rant.
To all those haters of Tin Pei Ling, she might not be the best MP out there, but out of the million of Singaporeans that PAP would have chosen, they chose her. So apparently, you people are just not up to the standard of being an MP. She had yet to go into parliament and prove herself worthy, but that doesn't mean she isn't good. Give the lady a chance, let her show what she can do for our society. I admit, Nicole Seah is definitely a better speaker, but do you think her capability is better? can talk =/= can do.
To all those disgruntled citizens who are just butt-hurt that PAP as once again become the ruling government, they will be here to stay for the next 5 years. DEAL WITH IT.
This post is not meant to be pro-PAP or anything. And everything here is just my opinion. It's just frustrating how my facebook and twitter feed is cramped with so many blog posts containing comments that are so hurtful. Don't come up with the crap of, 'if you don't like then don't read la!' Puh-lease people. You think I bother reading? All I have to do is look at the title of the post, and my mind will instantly tell me, 'Crap written by crappy people about their crappy woes that are full of crap'. Seriously people, you think by writing such articles you are very heroic and your 'never ending woes' will be heard? You call them names, like you bloggers are of any better. The government are made up of people with emotions. They are not robots. Imagine how they feel if they read all your comments about them. Gosh, you guys are worse than scum. Because you allowed yourself to snoop to a level that your intelligence level can never comprehend (reads dumb). Grow up.