(no subject)

May 11, 2006 00:24

It's interesting to watch people. Which is something I've always known, but seem to frequently rediscover.

Sometimes people make me sad. Which is to say that I choose to feel sad. But not sad as in, sad for myself because of something they've done to me. More like sad for them because of what they were missing out on. How much they wasted cause they just didn't get it. How much they continue to waste, because they continue to not get it. But then again, maybe they look at me that way. And they're sad because they think that I don't get it. That I'm a waste. That in their world, I'm the one that's missing the big picture.

And that's so strange. Trying to think of the big picture. Sometimes I get frustrated when I try to step back too far, because I start to try to make it all make sense. So my big picture is skewed to my thinking. Much like everyone's individual pictures are. It's like changing a lens. Through my lens, the picture is clear to me. If someone else were to look at my picture through their lens, it might not be so clear. It might be terribly out of focus, or it might only be a little fuzzy. But it still would look different. The same would happen if I were to take my lens to someone else's picture.

I don't know. I'm rambling. I'm really tired. And I'm a little toasty. So goodnight.
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