So yesterday, Hadley and I went to this little paganish shop in Occoquan that I've been trying to get out to forever. It's called Woman's Wish. It was a little on the small side, but it still was pretty kewl. And I still managed to spend far more money than I really should have. But that's all beside the point. What I was getting at is that I
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If you're interested, I could send you a few other good tarot exercises to help you familiarize yourself with your cards. Another thing to try, which did help me a bit, is to either draw or choose a card every day and consider its influences in your life that day. If you can't take it with you, you can always study it in the morning and reflect on it at night. Keep in mind that, especially when reading for yourself, the tarot is a fabulous meditation tool, so whatever comes to mind while looking at the cards is probably what you need to be thinking about. There aren't any wrong answers. Just be honest with yourself and the cards will be honest with you.
The best tarot resource I've ever found online is Their community is very helpful and usually articulate, and the website itself has a whole lot of information. Definitely worth checking out. (And, apparently, they don't delete unused accounts! Yay to still being a member!)
Much luck, hon. I'm sure you'll learn a lot about both your cards and yourself :}
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