Martial Arts stuff

Feb 20, 2013 01:34

Sorry for the paragraph format weirdness. Something up with LJ/Tumblr copypasting that I can't be arsed to fix.. =_=

The session was a really fun one. Sensei introduced the newbies to
circles, which are one of the most fun parts for me. All stand in a
circle around one member, attack them from any angle. Usually kept to
grabs or strikes at this grade. But it got pretty scrappy as people resisted throws, kept on the offence, etc. It's
good to see people training against attackers who resist the
techniques, press the offence, etc. It's not full sparring, but it's a
hell of a lot closer to being in a fight than some of the other arts I
do, and gets people in the habit of thinking about
multiple attackers, peripheral vision, etc. Caught an elbow to the head from the
Sensei, which dazed me for a bit. But no harm done. Worried I'd harmed a
couple of training partners, but no one was injured and they assured me
they were fine.

Managed to submit someone by jabbing my fingers in her jugular notch, which is always fun (and allowed in
circles. Can't remember if competitions allow pressure points or not. I
think some Jitsu Foundation ones do, some don't). Need to get out of some of my
lazier ukeing habits before grading. It's weird because I like being
thrown (it's like a rollercoaster, you just have to relax and breakfall
right), I just still have that instinct that goes "Ohfuckno-" when I'm tired.
One of the newbies seems to really like me. Which is cool, since we get along well. Also got the "Why do you walk with a stick?" conversation out of the way in earshot of most of the club. Got a "You're so brave to do this!!" in response. Some people don't know a patronising cliche when they walk facefirst into one. Oh well. I'm sure I said lots of stupid shit at her age.

jujitsu, martial arts

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