Title: Whispers in the Moonlight, Dancing in the Rain
Rating: nc-17 eventually; pg-13 right now
Characters involved: Blaine Anderson, Rachel Berry, Kurt Hummel, Jesse St. James
Background: This fic is completely AU. Rachel and Blaine are good friends (and enemies) who met in their first year of college. You'll find out all about how Kurt comes into it as the story progresses. All you need to know is that no one knew each other during high school.
Summary: Blaine is a drama student in his second year of study. He's putting together a new take on Romeo and Juliet with the help of a few classmates, and this is the story of that play and the lives of those involved in it.
Previous Chapter ------
To: Kurt Hummel
From: Blaine Anderson
Hey, Kurt. It was good meeting you today, even though we didn't get much chance to really talk. I'm sorry about the kissing Rachel thing. You can take comfort in the fact that I had to kiss her on stage last year, and she didn't make it easy. Anyway, I really wanted to tell you more about the play I've been working on. We're just starting to put up recruitment posters for it, so you might see them around the drama building and canteen over the next few days. Basically, it's a straight play based on the Romeo and Juliet story but with a twist (I know everyone twists Shakespeare these days, so it's nothing radical). We're looking for all kinds of actors to audition, and also people to work on costumes and scenery if you prefer that kind of thing. Sessions are being held next week, and you're more than welcome. Just let me know if you'd like to come along. No script preparation is necessary.
It's a shame you had to leave straight after class, I would have gotten coffee with you and showed you around campus some more. I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully!
Blaine presses send before re-reading the email at least five times. He hopes it doesn't seem overly pushy sending it as soon as he's got back to his dorm room, but Kurt had seemed slightly rushed at the end of class. His carefree attitude in the orchard had been replaced with a slightly jumpy disposition as he spent the three minutes they were kept in the room glancing at the clock on the wall. Blaine had to hold him back to ask for his email address, and then he was gone. It concerns him, but he expects it's difficult for Kurt to adapt to a new schedule when everyone around him is completely settled, so maybe that's why he was slightly on edge.
He leaves his laptop open at the side of him as he pulls out the finalized script for his play from his desk drawer. He doesn't think he'll be making any changes now until he sees how the actors themselves react to it, but it's always reassuring to have a read through in the hope he'll spot any awkward parts before handing it to half the drama department when it will be completely open to scrutiny and criticism.
He's been fully absorbed for almost an hour, making notes in spite of himself, when his laptop makes a sound and he glances over at the screen to see one new email.
To: Blaine Anderson
From: Kurt Hummel
Sorry I had to leave, I probably seemed rude. It was nothing personal, I promise, I had to get home to sort some work out. I'll hold you to the promise of coffee, though.
I'll definitely come along to the auditions for your play. I was involved in costume design at my old college, so that would be perfect for me. I'll be in class tomorrow.
Kurt isn't in class tomorrow though, nor the day after. Blaine worries so much that it was something he said, even his professor picks up on the fact that something's obviously wrong with him. He shakes her concerns off with a lame excuse, and gets back to the work they've been set. New students come and go all the time, he thinks to himself, back in high school he'd been the one in and out of class, but there was something about this new guy which made him more concerned than he probably should be.
Blaine peppers the drama department with pamphlets and posters, trying to gather up interest in his baby.
Kurt spends the days waiting, watching, listening, slowly remembering that he has a life to get back to once all this is over.
"You've been quiet, Blaine. I worry." Jesse stands in the doorway of Blaine's dorm as though he's been invited there when, in reality, he's just taken advantage of the fact Blaine never locks the door when he's in. It's all part of being a friendly man about campus, he thinks.
"Are you sickening for something? It's almost flu season." Blaine shakes his head and Jesse invites himself further into the room, sitting himself on Blaine's bed.
"I'm working, and thinking."
"Thinking's dangerous, Blaine. I thought I told you that last year."
"You told me that last year, and this year, and last week, and in the post you tagged me in on Facebook just last night." Blaine turns away from Jesse and back towards his desk. If Jesse wants to sit there all day, telling him about the perils of thinking, then he can. That doesn't mean he has to listen.
"Is it the play? I told you it's going to be fine. And the protest outside the auditorium is almost cleared now, we found out it was the same people who protested our Book of Mormon duet last year. I told them they need to find a more conservative college, maybe somewhere in a barnyard."
Blaine spins in his chair. "There was a protest? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I just did." Jesse stands and walks towards Blaine, kneeling in front of him as though he's about to deliver a monologue. "The point is, the play's going to be fine. Everyone wants to see what you've done with the text, and everyone wants to see me in another lead role. Rachel loves it." He shifts position a little, and Blaine doesn't even want to know what the dangerous look in his eyes means.
"Should I relax you?"
"Get out."
It doesn't take Jesse five seconds to reach the door; he knows that tone.
"Is this seat taken?" A voice makes Blaine look up from the book he's reading, and he smiles as soon as he sees Kurt.
"No, I'm all alone today." He nods towards the seat and thinks about telling Kurt the reason he's in the library is because he hasn't been feeling sociable at all, but that might seem unwelcoming and the only people he's actually hiding from are his friends. Instead, he opts to make some quiet conversation.
"We missed you in class."
Kurt looks slightly shocked, but a smile escapes him.
"Sorry, I was sick. Nothing contagious, so don't worry." He knows how much performers like to steer clear of anything that could compromise their immune systems, so he's quick to slide in the disclaimer. "When I asked about notes for the classes I've missed, I was given book titles. Hence me being here."
"You can take a look at my notes if you like. Or Rachel's. It depends whether you want them color coded." Blaine's grin can only be described as cheeky, he loves teasing Rachel at any given opportunity. He knows there aren't many girls..many people, who'd let him get away with it.
"As much I appreciate some organized filing, I don't think colors matter too much." Kurt fiddles with his shirt collar as he speaks. "Thank you."
"No problem," Blaine flicks a page in the book he has no interest in reading right now, and scans his brain for something to say. This encounter, unfortunately, has left his usual conversational brain somewhere unreachable though, and it's up to Kurt to break the silence again.
"I saw some of your posters when I came in this morning. The play looks really exciting."
"Thanks," Blaine's face lights up, and that one comment has pretty much made his day. "My friend, Julia, she's responsible for making it look so good. I'm just responsible for the words."
"Well, she must have been inspired to create something so eye catching. You should never judge a book by its cover, but I haven't seen anything about not judging a play by its promotional material."
Blaine chuckles, and rests his forehead on his hand.
"You can be the judge when you get to see the script. I'm scared to get it out there."
"Don't be. Words are meant to be read, scripts are meant to be performed, you obviously have a message you feel is worth telling. Trust your own judgement." Kurt's whole demeanour seems to become more wordly as he speaks. Blaine, not for the first time, feels as though Kurt must have more experience of life than his youthful appearance suggests. He's intrigued by him, and he can't help but feel encouraged by his words of wisdom.
"That means a lot," Blaine glances down at his hands and thinks about adding something more, but he stops himself at the last minute.
"Can I buy you lunch?"
Blaine takes him off-campus to get something to eat. Although the dishes can be nice at school, he doesn't think that the canteen atmosphere really allows for artistic conversation. Plus there are people he might run into if they stay, and he still isn't in the mood to converse with anyone who might be a) judging him, or b) giving him 'helpful' advice that turns out to be not helpful at all.
"I usually come here when I need to get away from people for a while," he explains, as he pulls his car up outside a small cafe. "I think it's perfect, but you don't have to agree. I promise there'll be something you want to eat, though."
"It looks nice," Kurt comments, getting out of the car and waiting for Blaine to secure it before they walk through the door together.
"You were right, it's absolutely, completely perfect," they haven't been inside for more than two seconds when Kurt begins to gush. "Look at the decor. And the layout is so sweet." His eyes float in every direction, as Blaine watches on in wonder.
"Sorry, I just really love good decoration. It distracts me." Kurt's cheeks tinge with a pale red, and he glances towards the food board.
"We should eat."
"Don't apologize for being into something." Blaine says, nudging his shoulder. "Everyone needs a passion."
"I like.." Kurt trails off and bites his tongue. Saying 'I like you' is probably slightly too suggestive for right now. "I like that attitude," he corrects himself as they walk towards the counter to place their orders. "I won't apologize for my insane love of all things stylish, and you won't worry about your play."
Blaine decides he can live with this kind of thinking. He misses having someone around him with this kind of quiet energy and openness. He has Rachel, Jesse, and Julia, along with a host of other acquaintances, but none of them are quite like Kurt.
He places their orders, Kurt deciding to go for a slice of pizza, while Blaine rests with a three-bean salad that he likes to describe as being the food of his Gods, and they find a quiet corner in the just as exquisitely decorated downstairs area of the cafe.
"So, where do you come from? Is that too personal, or.." Blaine cuts himself off as Kurt shakes his head.
"Not too personal. I grew up just outside New York, but the whole family moved to Ohio when I was fourteen." He swallows before continuing. "I tried staying behind to go to a performing arts high school, but I got homesick for the people I grew up around. I didn't even last a year by myself."
"I'm sorry," Blaine says. He understands that pain must come from leaving a set of dreams behind to be around the people who matter just as much as your ambitions. "I don't think I could have left my family completely at that age either. I boarded, but I went home every weekend and I knew my Mom and Dad were just an hour away if I needed them." He can't imagine what it might have been like to live in a different state to his parents during high school. By the time he reached college age, he was ready to break free.
"I'm here now, though," Kurt says, although a smile doesn't quite reach his face. "I still have a chance to train and get experience, and I'm grateful for that. Washington isn't New York, but it's perfect for me." His eyes look serious again, and Blaine picks up on it.
"I'm sure you'll grow to love this like a home," Blaine smiles reassuringly, and doesn't press for more information. He doesn't even know which college he's moved here from yet, but that isn't something he feels the need to pry for. "If you ever need to vent, my door's always open."
Kurt smiles back, and Blaine sees some of the life return to his eyes. "I'll keep that in mind."
The eat in silence for a few minutes, both knowing that they'll have to return to college soon for an afternoon lecture.
"Will you be coming to the first audition session?" Blaine breaks the silence to ask his question. He knows that it's fully booked from the emails he had in his inbox earlier, but one more person in a room designed to hold a full audience isn't a big deal. He gets the feeling having Kurt there will bring something to the mix, and he doesn't want to miss out on that. He likes to think it isn't for purely selfish reasons that he wants him to come along, either, he knows Kurt will settle in a lot more if he has something to do and people to talk to.
"If I'm welcome, I'll be there." Kurt confirms, and spends too long gazing at Blaine's eyes when his face perks up. It's a date.
The first audition session is underway, and Blaine seems to have underestimated the amount of noise twenty people can make. He has to jump on stage to get everyone to quieten down, but he eventually manages it.
"Hey guys," he bounces on the balls of his feet as he addresses the familiar, and unfamiliar, faces in front of him; part of him is nervous for this whole process to get underway, and the other part is pumping with so much adrenaline he feels as though he could start flying any second now.
"Thank you so much for turning up today. It's amazing to see you all here, and I can't wait for us to start working together. You probably already know this, from the emails I sent out, but we're holding two of these sessions this week, then we'll be posting up callback sheets for those of you who've made it. If you don't make it, please don't be disheartened. This is a relatively small production, but we'd be so grateful if you'd consider helping with all the behind-the-scenes jobs that need doing." He claps his hands together, mentally cursing himself for managing to sound like such a rehearsed public speaker on stage, and starts gesturing towards the people in front of him.
"If the room can split into four groups of five, we can start handing out scripts and exercises for you to work on."
He jumps off stage and wanders straight over to Julia.
"You were perfect," she says, holding her finger up to his lips before he can say anything to protest. "Now mingle."
"Okay, captain," he says, mockingly. He's happy she's around for this first session because he definitely couldn't do this alone. He likes to think of himself as something of a born leader, but this is a whole new world for him. He's used to being in charge of projects set up by others, even his high school Glee club had been governed by the wider rules of show choir and the school's music department, but in his play there are no rules. This is a free-for-all experiment, and it has just as much potential to go wrong as it does to go right.
Kurt rushes up behind him, almost hitting him as he struggles to remove his satchel from around his body. "Sorry I'm late," he apologizes. "Have I missed anything?"
"You missed a speech by yours truly, and now everyone's getting into small groups. In other words, you're right on time." Something about Kurt's presence makes Blaine feel more relaxed, and he runs his fingers through his hair.
Kurt turns and jumps into the first group he approaches, without being prompted, and Blaine can't help thinking that's what makes him such a good person to have around something that needs to be as organized as this does. Even as a new student, he isn't afraid to jump in and get the work done. Chatter fills the air, and Blaine nods a signal towards Jesse, who's placed himself on stage and begins speaking.
"Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
Whole misadventured piteous overthrows."
Jesse's voice is such that it carries powerfully across the room, and everyone falls silent within seconds of him beginning to speak.
"Everyone is aware of this play. Romeo and Juliet is the greatest love story ever told, and the tragic ending makes it all the more magnificent. The conflict is based around two houses who don't get along; the two lovers are victims of their time and situation. Blaine and I," Jesse makes the effort to nod to Blaine, who's standing at the edge of the room, as he speaks, "have strived to modernize this story, setting it in the 21st century where teen lovers still face problems today. We live in a world where basic rights are held back from certain members of society or, as I like to call them, humans, and art is obviously the perfect way to challenge beliefs. As someone who took a politics class last semester, I can tell you that this lack of human rights is an even bigger threat to society than the recession we're in."
Blaine nods along encouragingly, even though he makes a mental note to tell Jesse that he really needs to stop mentioning the recession every single time he speaks in public.
"So, we're here for two reasons today," Jesse continues. "To give you the opportunity to take part in the fight for basic human rights through this wonderful play I co-wrote, and to find someone with a character big enough to share the stage with me. Thank you for your time."
Blaine claps along with the majority of the room, and high fives Jesse as he comes off the stage.
"Good?" Jesse asks.
"Wonderful." Blaine grins, and only part of that grin is because Jesse has finally reached the level of human being who actually checks to see whether he's done something right, rather than just assuming. He classes that as a small victory for the future of humanity, and then waves Jesse off in the direction of a group looking for help. The idea is that Jesse and Blaine, as co-writers and producers, are going to mentor the actors, with Julia mentoring anyone who wants to take up a creative role outside of the acting bubble.
As he turns his head to survey the room, he can see her talking with Kurt's group. He's already warned her not to poach Kurt for costume design just yet, even though he knows she desperately wants someone who knows about fashion on her team and anyone with half a brain can see that Kurt knows about fashion just by looking at him. He has other plans for Kurt, though, and the greatest confidence that everything will work out.