Jul 20, 2006 21:03
Im practically living in the lab today...Baaaah
Apparently I whiffed too much TRIzol (some mutagen, has some picture of...like I dunno, a skull and cross bones or something on it) and got dizzy...Hmmm maybe next time Ill use a fume hood and NOT get cancer? Brilliant!
Some guys in my lab were talking about what they were going to do this weekend in lab (cut and image some samples). I was likee...LAME-O! Then they p0wned me. How? "So, its my turn to bring beer, Guiness ok?" YESSSss. They are my heros. Zero to hero, just like that! Hercules! Zero to hero...sorry got carried away.
So I wish fish could..you know. Grow themselves (ok, theyve got this down I think) and then remove all their RNA for me! Brilliant. Save me LOTS of time, and then I wouldnt have to go back to lab again at 10 pm.
Dont you hate it when you accidently click a button to leave your journal update page and get this sudden fear that all that you wrote is GONE FOREVER...and you KNOW that you couldnt write it exactly the same AGAIN. And you KNOW that it probably wouldnt be worth it anyways, so you click the back button and KNOW the past 10 minutes of your life might have been WASTED.
But then its still there. Thank you for not...(completely) wasting my life lj.
Meng: stupid fish
Meng: you know what you should do
Meng: you should inject the fish with superbig brains
Meng: and then they will be smrt enough to give you their dna
ShutUPurDUM: ..........
ShutUPurDUM: ..........
ShutUPurDUM: they would be SMART ENOUGH to wage WAR
ShutUPurDUM: and LEAP out of the petri dish when I open the cover
ShutUPurDUM: ...onto the floor, where there is no water, and they get pwned
Meng: WHAT
Meng: PWNED.