College update

Mar 21, 2005 22:36

I didnt get into MIT. Mr Sid and Pete were shocked. Im bummed. Actually thats an understatement. It has been my dream to go there. Its very very slowly sinking in, and Im sad about the prospects of my mom reading the email I sent to her. She would have been proud.

On another note...I got into Caltech. Pete was shocked again. He says its even harder to get into than MIT, and its almost as good, right up there with Stanford. California would be nice. Caltech is offering to pay for all transportation to Cali to visit for 4 days. I guess they want be to go huh?

And lastly. Most MSSM-ers might have already figured it out. Brian and I are back together after much talking. We have definately learned from mistakes. As far as next year is concerned...we shall see. We left it at that. We are enjoying the rest of the year together. And for that, I am happy. We went running today. It felt great.

Thanks for a good day (all in all).
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