Oct 23, 2004 19:38
WOW our football team BITES!
seriously-we lose our homecoming game to the ONE TEAM we could have beat!
AND no wonder everyone hates 06! We are such assholes! Just let the damn seniors have their ONE YEAR, and then it'll be our turn. Plus i feel bad for Mr. Howard-he didn't even try to stop us screaming, did you all notice? He's already giving up on GHS.
I just saw the funniest movie-its called Tootsie and its HYSTERICAL. Dustin Hoffman is an out of work actor and ends up dressing as a woman to get a part. A cross between Priscilla, Queen of the Desert and Some Like It Hot. Plus, Dustin Hoffman dressed as a woman? What could be funnier?!!
Oh, and work parties suck. The conversation is like this-
"hey mark! WHere do you sit now?" "i sit by the window, across from Karen!" "Oh, i thought you were in Tech now?" "i'll be moving again at the end of the month" "oh hi carl! This is carl everybody, he sits next to tim, across the aisle from terry!"
WHO THE HELL CARES?!?!?! And theres nobody my age, and engineers are NOT attractive (cept for that one, but iono how old he was) so i end up entertaining the little kids, which i don't mind too much, but its not my idea of a fun Saturday night.