Dec 05, 2003 13:54
Chinese is a sad, sad excuse for a class.
That History sub needs to die
Patrick's sweater is pretty
Mr Miranda makes me laugh with his Dumbledore impression
Yanni is high
Amanda's name REALLY isn't that funny
My sister and i don't match
Anabel is deranged
Yanni says: Katie is cool. . . NOT
Katie says: Yanni is a hyper little FRESHMEN
I really can't speak Chinese
(NO SHIT says Yanni)
I am excited because on sunday new lil volunteers come to the zoo and we get to be all knowlegeable and smart and pull rank on them :)
Yanni is obsessed with Orlando Bloom
Yanni says: Thats because he's HOT!
I'm not disagreeing with that. . .:)
Yanni also likes: Jude Law, Shane West, Johnny Depp, Colin Farrel, Sean Biggerstaff, Oliver James, and much, much more
I think she's crazy and deranged
Amanda's hair is pretty
So is Laura's
Yanni is a slacker
Its raining
My thoughts are getting much more boring. . .
I want to watch Pirates of the Carribbean. . .
geez i'm bored
All the asian guys in this class are nerds
Yanni's a nerd too
the teacher is a hick, if there can be a Chinese hick. . .
post opinions on whether or not a Chinese person can be a hick!
Cultural Relations is boring
Except when Anabel attacks Tally