Moving on

Sep 15, 2008 10:59

((This was from Friday, but I didn't have it ready.))

I met a strange man at the Kodo the other night.  Well, I'd seen him before, but we hadn't really been introduced.  His name is Lapu and he confuses me.  I hate to be uncharitable, but he wasn't really very nice.  He wasn't really mean, either, which is why he confuses me.  I can't quite put my finger on it.

He knows that Grimtotem woman who was talking to Kareth that time he ran away.  The one who was harassing Washue.  Her name is Netah.  We got to talking about Washue, and I guess he thinks she's pampered, which I guess maybe she is.  She's not really a kid anymore.  That's what that whole birthday thing was about.  I don't know.  I'm not her parent or her guardian or anything.  I'm not really even her friend, just an acquaintance.  Maybe she's serendi- serenity serpentipi anyway, that word that's like lucky but looks like snakes because she's always happy and okay, and maybe Lapu is just jealous of that.

Work is going pretty well, but I don't like all this secret stuff.  Hiding and skulking and all that.  I know it's supposed to work out in the end, greater good and all, but when does it become too much?  How many people can you justify hurting on the way?  If they aren't smart enough to know better, are they really bad guys?  This stuff makes me toss and turn at night, and I don't want to talk to Guni about it.  She's always so ---- unemotional about it.  Kareth and I would have been able to discuss it without it turning into a discussion of balance and cycle of life and needs of the many type thing.  But who's to say if he's even alive.  Somewhere along the way, for whatever reason, he gave up caring and just ran away.  I can't support that.  I have my own life I need to live.  I'll tuck away his memory in my heart, but I can't afford to devote more to it than that.

It would have been nice if he'd said something.  Left a note.  Told me what was wrong.  Something.  It would have been decent.  Especially after accepting my hospitality.  After telling me he was falling in love with me.  He just appeared in my life that one day and now he's gone just as quickly.  It seems to be his way.  He just walked away from that elf girl and her pain, too.  At least he didn't make me any promises the way Juni made to Guni.

The Matriarch is organizing the pilgrimage for the Harvest.  There will be others to remember and their deeds to sing about.  I need to find my Warsong axe and polish my Frostwolf armour.


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