Aug 25, 2004 17:39
x. Slept in your bed: Me..maybe..I haven't slept at home in a good 2 months or so. But if not me then probably Betsy cuz she stayed a month with me. hehe
x. Saw you cry: Kiene or Emily. Or maybe Andy..
x. Made you cry: Andy
x. You spent the night with: Emily
x. You shared a drink with: Kiene stole my water
x. You went to the movies with: Hmm...I haven't been to the movies in awhile but probably Dylan.
x. You went to the mall with: Gerdy
x. Yelled at you: Emi always yells at me:'(
x. Sent you an email: I never get email from anybody.
x. You kissed: Umm...
x. Said "’ love you" and meant it: Yes
x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: I hate her. She's a cunt.
x. Been to New York: no:(
x. Florida: lived there for 6 years
x. California: nope
x. Hawaii: no
x. Mexico: no
x. China: nope
x. Canada: I wish, eh
x. Danced naked: I don't believe so...?
x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: I do it all the time. Creepy, huh?
x. Wish you were the opposite sex: Guys suck
x. Had an imaginary friend: Not that I can remember..
x. Fought with your parents: Uh, who hasn't?
x. Things you like in a girl/guy: I'm too picky. Let's start with the things I DON'T like...stupid people. Show offs. Insensitive assholes. Cheaters. I like funny people..I don't like "normal" people..I'm quite a weirdo.
x. What book are you reading now: White Oleander:)
x. Worst feeling in the world: Feeling alone and Emily
x. What is the first thing you think when you wake up: I hope today goes ok..
x. Future daughter's name: I'm not having kids.
x. Future son's name: ^^^
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: I used to not too long ago but now it's kinda pointless. There are too many stuffed bears with hearts in their hands that say "I love you"
x. What's under your bed: A keyboard
x. Favorite sport to watch: ...icestaking...yes, I AM a pansy..
x. Current Age: 17 and 3/4:)ish..
x. Siblings: Fuck 'em. Family sucks. LOL
x. Location: currently? Tontogany but I "reside" in the good 'ole town 'O Deshler..
x. Piercings/tattoos: my ears are pierced. Go me.
x. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: I am a sad and lonely soul. Men suck.
x. Do you do drugs: no
x. Do you drink: not really
x. Who are your best friends: I hate Emily. And I hate all my other friends too cuz they suck:-D
x. What are you most scared of: not going anywhere in life.
x. What clothes do you sleep in: pajamas?
x. Where do you want to get married: why get married? You'll just get a divorce anyway. This so-called "fairytale" does not exist my friends..lies..they are all lies..
x. Who do you really hate: Emily Rees. I don't care if he doesn't like her anymore. She's a cunt.
x. Been in love: used to be you have a job: a very sad one being around people: not usually.
x. Are you for world peace: All about it. I don't see why not. But you need bad to balance the's called Yin and Yang and I don't feel like explaining it all:-D
x. Are you a health freak: I wish I took better care of myself but I don't.
x. Room in house: in my house? my Kyle's, his bedroom. Wow..that kinda sounds wrong. But that's not what I mean. haha.
x. Type(s) of music: anything I am willing to call music. I'm really picky about my music..
x. Color: greeeeeeen:-D
x. Food(s): CHICKEN....Good *lol* <