Spring arrived in Humboldt County with a vengance this year. The ever-so-recently barren tree limbs have burst to life in chaotic sprays of glowing green. The wildflowers are throwing raucous garden parties in every meadow, every field, and every crevice in every rock or tree root they can find. The songbirds fill the air with a million cheerful melodies, each trying their best to out-sing the rest. The tree swallows swoop and dive and chase each other around my house and across the meadow in numbers I could only have dreamed of. The rivers are fierce and swollen, roiling through these valleys with new determination and added force thanks to above average snowmelt this year. The furry ones are bustling about building nests and finding mates and foraging to feed their young. The woods are so Alive!!
Yesterday Jake and I went out to Willow Creek and spent some quality time with my river. It is still too high and cold to get in, but I always love my time spent there. It breaks my heart to note that some illegal mining activities somewhere upstream have clouded her somewhat, and turned her sparlking teal slightly green. I hope that the miners are caught soon! :( Bastards. I worried some for the osprey circling overhead, wondering how much more difficult it will be for him to spot fish in the river now, and feed his family. It is still cleaner than any other CA river I've ever seen, but a shock to my soul after the bond I've developed with the Trinity over the past two years. After spending some time exploring the downstream end of Kimtu Beach, we headed off to Trinity County and Grey's Falls. The oak woodlands are filled with a multitude of wildflowers new to me. I spent the better part of an hour taking pictures to bring home and ID. The most exciting find for me were the little white violets (Viola ocellata), and the northwestern mariposa lilies (Calcohortus elegans var. nanus)! Found some western larkspur as well. Thought it was some kind of blue orchid for a minute, heehee
Mariposa Lily, aka Mariposa Tulip, aka Butterfly Lily (Calcohortus tolmiei). Soooooooo freakin' pretty! Happy to add these to my life list. They were growing in vast tracts at Grey's Falls. Thousands of pretty little faces smiling up at the sun. Perfect sundress day too, quite warm with a nice breeze.
I think they are so adorable!
It was nie and warm, and the ladybugs were far too busy to pose prettily for picutres, but they did stop by to say hello.
On the hills above the river at Kimtu Beach the Roundtoothed Snakelilies (Dichlostemmon multiflora) are stretching out their blooms.
And along the highway these cute little yellow non-native clovers.