Apr 14, 2005 11:49
Saturday: Karaoke Party!
(Mistake1: Drunk)
(Mistake2: Sent text messages to someone??)
Sunday: Football Game 2-6pm
(Jay/Jeremy: Discovered where text messages went!)
(Dave: Emergency call! His mother was trying to burn down the house! Jk)
(Stewart's Shop: Eating ice cream with Michelle and talking to the boys)
Monday: Practiced with Mocha (cow) and Sierra (horse) 4-5pm
(Sean: Emergency call about Michelle! Awww)
Tuesday: Nothing
Wednesday: Bowling 630-9pm
(Scores:116/116/140 Average: 115)
Thursday: Nothing
Friday: Cobleskill Student Day 8-4pm
Saturday: Clean the house/Turkey federation dinner 5-10pm
Sunday: Football Game 2-6pm
This week has been pretty slow going and very boring...