tonight, we dine in LIFE

Jul 20, 2009 09:46

PHENOMENAL. I'd have to say this concert goes down into the top three I've been to. Edgefield as a venue is charming. The gardens, courtyards, and vine laden brick tasting rooms are fabulous to wander around in, with the lawn and massive stage lending to concert perfection . The weather was great- sunny and hot. I'm surprised I didn't get burned. We got there about an hour and 20 minutes before the front gate opened to the lawn, and were probably 30 or so people back in line. We set our blanket down about 10 yards from the stage, knowing we'd probably be standing the whole time.

So the Portland based Blind Pilot was the first band. Nothing too memorable, just a very nice folksy sound. They had like nine members.

Next came the wonderfully cooky and energetic Andrew Bird. He opened with Fiery Crash. He was simply magnetic to watch, waving his arms all over the place, shaking his head like he was in some sort of musical seizure, and then there was the WHISTLING. So amazing. I just don't understand how he does it. Oh, and he brought that stuffed monkey on stage with him. <3 <3 <3

Here's a video of him preforming Effigy:

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After Andrew was done and all the setup was finished for The Decemberists, out walks Jenny and she starts on the organ for The Prelude for Hazards. SOOOO AWESOME. Seriously, no words. Here it is:

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So they had the girls that did the voices of Margaret and the Queen on tour with them. Lavender Diamond's Rebecca Stark (Margaret) and My Brightest Diamond's Shara Worden (Queen). They both were very enchanting, but the audience just ate up Shara the most. She was ridiculously hardcore:

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After they did all of Hazards of Love, they came back and did a whole other set for us. I think the reason I adore this group so much (besides being fellow Portlanders) is how down to earth and humble they've remained despite their fame. Colin is so personable, even on stage, and quite frankly, HILARIOUS. I got a video of him talking about weddings in the Northwest, where he preceded to dedicate The Bachelor and the Bride to all the couples getting married at Edgefield that same night. LOL. He also preformed the very first song he ever wrote, something about Dracula and his father. SO funny, because he described it as total rubbish. Didn't get a video of it though. He also pointed out getting a wiff of pot from the audience, saying "Someone is smoking something to get through this." LOLOLOLOL!


They ended with I Was Meant for the Stage. I have NEVER seen a closing like that. They built up the ending to maximum proportions, all ending up on the stage floor, with each member walking off at different times till only the drummer was left. Colin and Nate were playing their instruments while basically writhing on the floor, Nate holding the cello up with his feet and playing it upside down. The crowd was just LOSING IT.

Post hysteria.

More videos HERE.

Now off to look at a cruiser so I can ride in this gorgeous weather!

video, photographs, musak!

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