Losing Wisdom

Jul 31, 2008 20:12

I can't express enough how much I am READY to be done with Walla Walla.  I know I'm going to miss it, but I've become very stagnant here, and am starting to ferment.  Change will be hard, but needed.  Much must happen between now and August 12, the biggest priority being that I get my butt in gear and finish these damn classes.  Next weekend my family comes to move the majority of my things home, and then I stay a bit longer for work.  Then it's SO LONG!

I was thinking this morning as I was brushing my teeth about what my morning and nightly rituals are.  Everyone is so different... I just thought it would be something random to delve into.

So I am pretty much a morning person.  Once I'm up, I have no problem greeting the day.  Now several things can infringe upon this, the most obvious being lack of my optimal eight hours of sleep.  I always sleep on my stomach, and can proudly say I do not snore (trust me, I've asked plenty).  Unfortunately, this is not the case for the younger sister.  :)  So when I wake up, I of course use the toilet facilities, put in my contacts, and brush my hair.  Then it's into the shower.  Breakfast comes next with my hair in a towel while I  catch some of the morning news.  Then it's blow dry and style hair, makeup and dress time.  A little spray of scent and I'm ready for the day.  Night time is a bit different.  I usually wind down with internet time (case in point).  I am not a late night person.  Never have been.  I just... need sleep.  After brushing my teeth, washing my face, taking out my contacts and putting on the PJs, I make sure to lotion up.  Smooth hands are a must.  I also have this thing where I have to blow my nose... weird I know.  I've never had to "wind down" before bed by watching TV or reading.  Once my head hits the pillow, I'm done for.

Wow, now wasn't that fascinating.  Any interesting rituals you conduct?

I also wanted to decide today on my top 5 male vocalists.  Here they be, in no particular order:

1)  Josh Groban
2)  Michael Buble
3)  Todd Smith from Selah
4)  Freddie Mercury
5)  John Mayer

I know... there are a crazy deal more that are deserving of recognition... I could make a list of 50.  But then you all would never read my journal again.

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out in three weeks!  I wouldn't say I'm nervous, just because I'm SURE getting my tonsils out was way worse.  But even so, I do have a little bit of trepidation.  I always get that way when it comes to my teeth... I've always had a fear of getting a toothache.  I'm sure it's excruciating, and (knock on wood) I've never experienced it.  My roomate told me her wisdom teeth removal horror story that involved dry sockets, so now I'm trying not to get freaked.  All I know is that I'm being put all the way out.  I will NOT be awake for drilling thank you very much.

OH.  Also, the before mentioned sis just called and informed me that she just received her second tattoo.  Oh God love her, but the differences between us are VAST

the oh so near future, every day is random

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