April 25? Six days away from May? Time, you are getting business DONE. The question is, am I ready for done?
Just finished reading the essay What Now? by Ann Patchett. This short book is based off a commencement address she once gave, and applies so wonderfully to my uncertainties at the moment. There are a couple of quotes that won't seem to leave me:
"It helps if you can realize that this part of life when you don't know what's coming next is often the part that people look back on with the greatest affection."
"It's up to you to chose a life that will keep expanding. It takes discipline to remain curious; it takes work to be open to the world- but oh my friends, what noble and glorious work it is."
I can remember writing on here months and months ago, talking about how unhappy I was and wondering why exactly God wanted me here in the first place. Now, with everything very possibly ending for me here soon, I have been granted in part that wisdom. This was the beginning point of this great journey of my adult life. As many beginning points are, it was scary. I was thrust in with nobody; familiarity was stripped. I was forced to swim, to be open. I learned my strengths as a teacher, and my weaknesses. God saw fit to cross my path with the many great people here who have pushed and influenced me, and ultimately have carved their friendships into my heart. And yes, it was also a time of loneliness, and that is the one aspect I still have a hard time gaining clarity for. But in some way, I think God was using that to shape my character, and to teach me things about myself that only those despairing moments on your knees in tears can bring.
Today has been glorious. Went to Apple Blossom for a bit to help man our school's booth. It was our first year taking part in the festival, so hopefully it brings in some enrollment additions. I don't think the majority of people in the valley even know about our school. After spending about three hours there I came back and did some reading in the sun. It felt amazing to have the sun beat down on my face with just a slight breeze... the last week was a constant wind storm and got annoying.
Lately I've been on a Jakob Dylan kick. I've always dug The Wallflowers, but Dylan's solo career has been such a treat. Here I've shared some of my favorites from his new album. HIGHLY recommended. It's about as country as this girl will go, but honestly I feel it has more of a folksy sound. I just love how unhurried the whole sound of the album is. Perfect for heading into those drawn out daylight evenings.
Everybody's Hurting Holy Rollers for Love They've Trapped Us Boy I am so RIDICULOUS AMOUNTS excited for this week's SPN, which I'm pretty sure promises some hearty Samuel angst. Good promos are GOOOOD.